Search Results for "cheap"


Jammeh or Bazzi: Who Owns Gampetroleum?

In the surreal world of the autocracy that reigns over the poverty-stricken, miniscule West African state of The Gambia, things, as usual , have a tendency of going one way when the world outside pushes ahead on another. So while everyone else is jubilating over the sharp fall in international […]


UDP, Gambian Women, Project A 2016 Jammeh Gbagbo

Ousainou Darboe. Kemeseng Jammeh. Solo Sandeng. These folks and many unknowns proved that the Gambia still has hearts made of steel. Fatoumata Tambajang. Fatou Jawara (women youth president). Ordinary woman and young girls. The women stole the show not with the usual ambiance of dancing and singing they gave their […]


The Educated-Illiterate

By Jutala You said he is an educated-illiterate. But how is that possible? How can one be educated and still be illiterate? “But how could he not understand this simple equation? People want to live according to their natural will. Forcing people to do things they don’t like is equal […]


Gambian Turns 50

By Momodou Ndow The idea of fighting for Independence, gaining it, and self-rule sounds pretty romantic, right? But as Gambia celebrates 50 years of Independence, I’m not looking at the “romantic” aspect, but the “reality” aspect instead. Where are we after 50 years? That is the question. Some argue that […]


Re: IMF Considers Gambia Bail-out

Chris Gordon Pursuant to comments in my initial post where I noted, “some other issues should be considered” (regarding an IMF relationship – or that of any other investor), I will only say the following in relation to the original article’s opening paragraph… {“Third World” countries, especially the African countries, […]


Re: IMF Considers Gambia Bail-out

By Bax “Third World” countries, especially the African countries, must either take the bull by the horns and abandon their participation in the current Global Capitalist System or continue to serve the interest of the capitalist west and reduce their peoples to the wretched of the earth..The escape of a […]


GPU In Crisis As Congress Kicks Off

Many young journalists have bitterly complained about the way the Gambia Press Union (GPU) executive handled the affairs the journalist union. Another issue of concern to the attendees of the GPU is the unavailability of enough seat at the congress hall today.  In this article below, a whistle blower thought […]


Echo’s Sankareh Sympathises Amadou!

“Amadou Samba Saga a Gambian predicament” By Ebrima G. Sankareh, Editor-in-Chief, Gambia Echo   Hysteria and Bad Mouthing of Amadou Samba When news of Gambian lawyer-turned businessman, Amadou A. Samba’s scuffle inside an elevator with members of a private security firm at Dakar’s luxurious Radisson Blue hotel broke Saturday, it […]