

Tribute To Our Beloved Mamakoto

May 25th 2022 opened a memorable chapter in my life – a day I received one of the biggest shocks of my life. I am still struggling to cope with the passing of Alhagie Ebrima Bah (Mamakoto) in Bakau. I have already started missing the Gambia’s Sea of Knowledge. He […]


“Freedom Newspaper Was The First TRRC”

By Abdoulie John The Gambia’s investigative journalist and publisher of The Monitor newspaper, Baboucarr Ceesay, has described the North Carolina-based news site www.freedomnewspaper.com as “the first truth commission,” saying it laid the groundwork for the transitional justice process. “Freedomnewspaper.com revealed things that were later confirmed by the Truth, Reconciliation and […]


Gambia Lost An Icon, True Patriot

The Gambia has lost a legendary media icon and patriot. Alhagie Sarjo Barrow has answered to the call of Allah exactly a fortnight after news of his death broke out. Mr. Barrow himself rubbished news of his death. His Sunday’s death threw the country into mourning. Many people were shocked […]


Gambia Refuses Deported Asylum Seeker

The Gambia immigration officers at the Banjul International Airport on Monday refused to accept an undocumented failed asylum seeker deported from Sweden’s Malmo city. After having reportedly exhausted the asylum process, Swedish police escorted the man they believed to be a Gambian for deportation to the West African country. However, […]


We Want Nothing But The Truth!

Until his voluntary testimony at the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission, Sanna B. Sabally was portrayed as one of The Gambia’s greatest monsters. The former Vice Chairman of the Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council came to the public limelight after the November 11th 1994 foiled military coup. The aftermath of […]


Gambia’s Noble Son Is Gone

The Gambia has once again lost a Noble Son. The sudden death of Alhagie Dodou CM Kebbeh, the man who was the country’s longest serving Clerk of the National Assembly, was too shocking to many Gambians, especially those who knew him. Mr. Kebbeh, a native of Sutusinjang in Foni Berefet […]


Of Alagie Kanyi’s Murder Confession

It is evidently clear that the ongoing Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Conmission is achieving its goals of establishing facts about the crimes that happened during Yahya Jammeh’s 22 years of dictatorship. It was just few days ago that Gambians started becoming emotional about the testimony of star witness, Abdoulie J. […]


The Imam Who Stands For The Truth!

Yahya Jammeh does not use any supernatural means to rule Gambians for more than two decades. Jammeh’s strength lies in his ability to cage, silence or disappear Gambians who matter. Who matters more than religious and local government leaders? Almost all of these leaders, except a few, bowed down to […]


Why We Must Not Whip NAWEC

For a long time the Gambia National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC) had been the whipping dog for not performing above expectation. Complaint is either about epileptic supply of electricity or lack of electricity for days. NAWEC’s situation became so precarious that the Barrow government in 2017 invested heavily to […]


When Shall We Finish Telling Jammeh’s Story?

It is almost two years since former President Yahya Jammeh had been dislodged from power. December 1st 2016 will forever be remembered as the day oppressed Gambians took back their country from a man who first ascended to power through a coup d’etat and contested election after election bragging to […]


It’s Time To Walk The Talk!

No one can dispute the established fact that Gambians are exceptionally good at writing projects, delivering proposals or dissecting wonderful theories. Just take a deep look at projects and proposals written by Gambians and see how you will be surprised about the amount of brilliance being demonstrated. But our problem […]


Why We Should Weed Out Criminals

Whether we agree or disagree, criminals know no human feelings, and are at all times bent on strategising to beat any system, no matter the level of sophistication. And what makes criminality so complicated is the high level of solidarity and support criminals render to one another. Criminals see one […]