Search Results for "cheap"


Operation Dragon Fire!

Operation Dragon Fire! Yaya, it is over. The people goading you with their tawdry and extravagantly cheap writings are moseying far away from the impending dangers you are still fomenting. “KU REPPA CHI BIRR HARREH, LUNGYU LA JEEN NGA HEPP KO.” You have scorched the torch that you snatched from […]


A Look At Gambia’s Political Crisis

By Suwareh Darbo The purpose of my message is to share my perspectives with you and your audience. The subject-matter that has been dominating the headlines in the past five weeks is the elections results. It seems that Yaya Jammeh wants to see a cataclysm in the Gambia by making […]


Why GDC Leader Can’t Be Trusted

As we approach December 2016 presidential election, Gambians have seen the formation of a new political party known as the Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC) which takes center stage in our political dispensation. The newly established party has a young likeable leader whose political philosophy, stand on issues of national importance, […]


Why I Challenge Fatou Tamba

What a cheap talk from Ms Fatou Tamba who thinks we can be simply outplayed with fake emotions. Does Ms Fatou just wake up one day and thought, she should simply buy us with her cheap and poor sentimental write-ups and we should buy into its insincerity without inspecting the […]


‘GDC’ Better Be Late Than Never Fellows

By Unbaised Prince I believe ‘GDC’ Political Party are at our Political Concomitant (Allied) and not to our Political Distraction Mama Kandeh (Yal-nanu Ya-Allah jappaleh) could be that guy of once glimmered in my sight of rare vision as an emerging new leader of way longed for our Gambian country […]


9th Week Trucker’s Boycott

Senegal-Gambia stalemate continues Trucks carrying goods for Senegal’s southern region take longer but cheaper way round, than a shortcut across The Gambia, costing it custom revenue. SENEGAL said it’s waiting for a regional delegation to help resolve a truck drivers’ boycott of Gambia which is entering its ninth week, starving its […]


Is Gano Positioning Himself?

By Max It is my conviction that Mr Gano is continuously looking for cheap popularity and recognition among Gambians in the Diaspora. His continuous writing about current political situation and democracy is an indication to position himself as an expert while failing to take a position to fight for democracy […]