Search Results for "cheap"


Kairo News Hit A Million

We’re Grateful To You All It is time for us to thank our highly committed community of readers and listeners who made a million hits a reality last Sunday. You are simply awesome bunch of esteemed patriots. We’re grateful to you all! When Kairo News and Radio came into existence […]


TANGO 10th Policy Dialogue Series

Quality Service Delivery in Telephony, GSM and Internet Services Wednesday 17 September 2014 TANGO Conference Hall 9.30am Introduction Telephony services were introduced in The Gambia since the early days of independence and has been for the most part essentially provided by the national telecommunications company, GAMTEL. There currently exist tens […]


How To Win Against Tyranny

A Case Study Of The Struggle Vs Hidden Agendas, Delaying Tactics By Ousainou Mbenga                                                      “We must all engage ourselves in the struggle for the common good; there are none with clean hands, no innocents, no spectators. We all dirty our hands in the mind of our minds. Every spectator is […]


No Sex Please, We’re Parliamentarians

The democracy in South Africa is exemplary at best. The country’s parliamentarians resort to protest after a  sex shop was open close to the house of parliament. If this was in the Gambia, forceful reprisals have would ensued. South Africa’s ruling ANC on Wednesday protested the opening of a sex […]


Long Distance Love In Jeopardy

        Scramble For Free calls to the Gambia The Gambia is classify as the most expensive country to call in the world, due to multiple factors. Gambians are scrambling to find ways and means of connecting with family and love ones. Over recent years, Gambians abroad saved hundreds […]