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Diack Exonerates President Sall

Paris (AFP) – Former world athletics chief Lamine Diack denies helping fund Senegal president Macky Sall’s election campaign in 2012, his lawyers said on Saturday. Diack has been charged in France with accepting Russian bribes to cover up positive drugs tests when he was president of the International Association of […]


‘Human Rights Road Still Bumpy’

Despite significant gains in the promotion, development and protection, the road to human rights “is still bumpy.” Those were the words of Mustapha Manneh, the Chief Executive Officer of Their Voices Must Be Heard. Find below Mr. Manneh’s colourful presentation at Kartong Central Market on Friday. The statement was culled […]


Islamic State: AG Advised To Retract

Below is the letter written by Halifa Sallah, Secretary General of PDOIS, to the Attorney General on the unconstitutional declaration of Gambia as an Islamic republic by President Yahya Jammeh at a recent political rally at Brufut attended by APRC party militants: SUBJECT: ON THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL DECLARATION OF THE GAMBIA […]


Jammeh Should Be Impeached If…

The dust over President Yahya Jammeh’s proclamation of The Gambia as an Islamic State continues to rise, with the opposition People’s Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism calling for his (the President’s) impeachment if he begins to implement the unilateral Brufut Declaration. Read below a statement penned by the party’s […]


Donald Trump And Muslims

By Sulayman “Saul” Saidykhan Please indulge me the opportunity to add to the current debate regarding Mr. Trump and his ideas about Muslims because 1. I’m American by choice and 2. am a Muslim. Without going any further, let me state here that what happened in San Bernardino some weeks […]


‘Charity Begins At Home’

Being far from home is no excuse for anyone to dump your positive culture and values. The idea of supporting your immediate neighbour falls into this category, which according to Momodou Jallow Drammeh, correlates with the popular saying that “charity begins at home.” The Leader of United Kingdom Jarra Association […]


Dialogue-With-The-People Tour: What A Misnomer!

By Ebou Gaye What a misnomer! There is so much controversy over your recently concluded nationwide tour dubbed Dialogue-With-The-People Tour Many people argue that the name is a misnomer, Judging by the invectives, vituperations, threats and rash, unilateral and contentious declarations that characterized the tour, And suggest changing the name […]


Now That The Dust Has Settled!

By Gambian Outsider Now that the dust has settled, let us look at what has transpired from the Despot’s [President Jammeh’s] declaration and the many and different reactions to it. Some called it a proclamation and others called it a pronouncement. Some called it null and void and others called […]