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Sankanu: ‘My Article Touches Nerves’

This Ejike Asigubu is one of the Mafias promoting the “godfatherism” culture of greed that has kept the Nigerian film industry from moving beyond the Nollywood junk. Even if my piece was substandard, I am glad it is having an impact. Over 16,000 people have read and shared it across […]


UDP’s People Engagement Advances

The United Democratic Party has been conducting ‘intensive engagement’ with the wider Gambian public over the past months. The Party have lined up a series of rallies in towns and villages, re-energising the spirit of dialogue and political militancy within the oppressed Gambian masses. The successes from the nationwide tour, […]


RFI Launch Mandinka Language Bulletin RFI Mandinka news and analysis every day from Monday to Friday 8am to 12pm and Universal Time. Listen to the international news, regional African news, and (West Africa news) in Mandinka. Sport and review of regional press, a guest panel and a 5-minute magazine produced by our correspondents on […]

Religion Society

Of Karan Madiba And Serign Touba

Karan Madiba Diaby and Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba [Serign Touba] were both known for their steadfastness in teaching and propagation of Islam. Both had huge followers, students and disciples in the world. Like Serign Bamba, Karan Madiba was not interested in worldly materials; he herefore divided his time between worshipping Allah, […]


Proxy War: US And Russia

Why didn’t Obama toy around with long-serving African dictators? What will Barack Obama be remembered by in the way he handled African despots. I am struggling to see his legacy in helping Africans be better equipped to end tyranny and dictatorship. The war in Syria is now a full blown […]