Search Results for "what"


Colors of Gambian Women's Exploitation

Women the world over have been and are continually been exploited in varied forms and levels by politicians, employers, societies, families and male counterparts. The first generation of women who braced social scorn to spotlight their deplorable conditions and exploitations were branded “feminists” denoting negative stigma. Despite the barriers, resistance, […]


CORDEG Finally Reveals Its Goals

Committee for the Restoration of Democracy to the Gambia (CORDEG) has finally shared its Vision and Mission Statements to the public, stressing its willingness to work tirelessly with all Gambians and the International Community to “address the Gambia’s democratic deficit, social and economic inequities, critical to the realization of fundamental […]


Long Distance Love In Jeopardy

        Scramble For Free calls to the Gambia The Gambia is classify as the most expensive country to call in the world, due to multiple factors. Gambians are scrambling to find ways and means of connecting with family and love ones. Over recent years, Gambians abroad saved hundreds […]


Gambian Dissidents Urge To Unite

Progress is often slow and always invisible, and the Gambia’s dissident movement is a quintessential example of this timeless observation. Eight years ago, there were no organized efforts against the political tyranny in Gambia, yet only last year, due to the proliferation of dissident organizations, Gambians were being urged to […]


The Beginning Of Jammeh’s End

It is an indisputable fact that every success begins as a dream. However, what makes one success different from another stems from the effort, commitment, sacrifice, time, determination and the ability to harness weakness into strength. Greatness can, on the other hand, be achieved through self-consciousness and being aware of your surrounding: taking […]


Jammeh Calls Zeinab Ma Cheri

Gambian Language Absent In His House Our investigation has proven that despite his public ranting threatening to replace English as the country’s official language, Gambian leader speaks with his family in English and French. “Only English and French are spoken in his household,” a source familiar with Mr. Jammeh told […]


UDP Youth Secretary Acquitted

By Yaya Dampha Ebrima Solo Sandeng is acquitted and discharged of the charges level against him at the Brikama Magistrates Courts this morning. Sandeng was standing trial for “giving false information to a public officer and for holding a political meeting without a valid permit”, charges he pleaded not guilty since […]


Development Is Less Impressive If…

By Lamin Touray The Director of Human Rights Watch (HRW) UK has said development is less impressive if it does not include freedom from fear, violence, ill health, life threatening environmental pollution and abusive employment practices. David Mepham, the guest speaker at the 32nd Marlborough Brandt Group Lent Lecture on […]


The Thione Seck Brouhaha

By Momodou NdowFrom infancy onward, our ability to successfully regulate our emotions is a tremendously important skill that is not only crucial to archiving our personal objectives, but will also affect our character, which will in turn determine how we socially interact with others.Between the ages of 5-12, we start […]


Kairo’s Open Letter To CORDEG

The Editorial Board of Kairo News this morning dispatched an open letter to the leadership of the newly established Committee for the Restoration of Democracy to the Gambia (CORDEG), raising concern about a whole range of issues, including the public’s right to scrutinise the leaked document. Read below the full […]


Ex-Sierra Leone Leader Died

Sierra Leone’s former president Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, widely credited with returning peace to the shattered west African nation after years of brutal civil war, died on Thursday aged 82. Kabbah, who led the country during an 11-year conflict in which thousands had their limbs hacked off and 120,000 people were […]