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‘President Jammeh Tortures Me’

Ex-NDEA Officer Recounts Ordeal   Leaders are generally perceived by their followers as reverends, almost flawless especially if they ride on a religious ticket. Such leaders are trusted, adored and respected. For any such leader to be discovered a sex predator will not only appalls and shocks his people. Well, […]


Of Dictators And Beautiful Divas

Africa too has her own divas whose self-adulation and beauty consciousness have continued to hit high. Mama Africa’s divas come in every shape: music entertainers, TV presenters, social animals and the wealthy people. Both Aicha Koné and Gambian media queen Fatou Camara have similar entertainment history. Aicha Koné, the top […]


Jammeh Has Lost The Plot

The Gambian clever jack, President Yahya Jammeh, has mounted his high horse again chasing an elusive dream. President Jammeh has lately bubbles so much negative energy for the West that he unwittingly vents his unspent anger on Gambians to attract the attention of the West. Let us for a moment […]


NRMG: Gambia Is Under Siege

Founders of the newly established National Resistance Movement of The Gambia (NRMG) want the world to understand that the West African country is a country under siege. “Anyone living within jurisdiction of The Gambia is in an open prison, a country-size detention facility. People have disappeared and continue to do […]


Open Letter To All Gambians

Thursday, the 24th of April 2014, will mark 44 years of the Republic of The Gambia. It was on this day in 1970 that men and women of this beloved country exercised their right to sovereignty in a referendum which gave us a Republic. During the era of the First […]


Not Enough To Keep Blaming Yahya

How many political parties have an up-to-date manifesto clearly articulating their intended governance philosophy and priority programs to improve the nation’s quality of life? I don’t know the answer but if I have to bet I would say only PDOIS. Isn’t that in itself very telling? Where are the program […]


The Mickey Mouse Leader

By Baba Galleh Jallow His Mouthy Lousy the Poxident, Snooty Largy Dotty Mickey MMM Mouse was at his best of the worst. Dressed in his customary cowhide robes, his iron scarf hung around his neck, his wooden cap on his rugged head, and his iron boots strapped to his flat […]


Gunpowder Smell Terrifies Nyancho

By Bolonba‘ I’m cautioned every now and then By a Nyancho scared of the gun powder smell In the midst of ruthless tyranny, he recommends no confrontation One wonders, what are the present priorities of this Nyancho son? But then, oral history unveiled to us the three categories of Nyanchos: […]


Legalise Positive Discrimination

Whilst the debate on tribal inclusion and diversity is raging within the Gambian diaspora, the United Kingdom head of race relations is calling for ‘positive discrimination’ by systematically helping to create a balance society, and work place. Many Gambians attacked Bakary Badjie for opening a debate with the new CORDEG […]


Mistake Haunting Our Struggle

‘A National Democracy’ Agenda for the Republic of citizen activists without direct/special alliances with some groups would have served our cause better.  It would disentangle us from the vices of the Gambia’s undeveloped party politicking. Over time it would appeal to all citizens equally as people’s cause and not an […]