Search Results for "what"


GCC Reveals Strategy Document

Below is the word-for-word copy of the Gambia Consultative Council’ strategy document.  The council is headed by Dr. Sidat Jobe, the Gambia’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs. Overview Objective 1. Creation of an up-to thirty-five member National Transitional Council to consist of representatives from each political party, civil society organization, […]


CORDEG’s Utterly Blurred Vision

By Lamin J Darbo Its leadership is almost entirely Diaspora-based, with some absent from The Gambia for two, maybe three decades. Under Professor Jammeh’s Constitution, none of those leaders are qualified to contest any public elections slated for 2016/17. Outside the cyber political world, the organisation and its leadership are […]


Jammeh’s Removal is GCC’s Mission

Officials of the Gambia Consultative Council (GCC) issued their strategy document, spelling out their singular and overriding mission of removing President Yahya Jammeh and his government from power. “Recognizing the severity of the human rights abuses and the prevailing chaos in government in Gambia, GCC’s singular and overriding mission is […]


Jammeh’s Fatal Witchcraft Cleansing

By Fabakary B. Ceesay The sudden death of President Yahya Jammeh’s aunt in 2009 prompted the Gambia government to declare what it called “witchcraft cleansing.” The exercise, which occurred between mid-January and March 2009, was ordered by President Yahya Jammeh who blamed his aunt’s sudden death on witchcraft. The president, […]


Gloomy Coast Needs Bail Out

By Lamin Saddam Sanyang, The Netherlands Since the brutal regime of President Yahya Jammeh took over power by force, our Smiling Coast has become the Gloomy Coast.  From 1994 to date, only Allah (SWT) knows how many Gambians and Africans at large were killed or disappeared by President Jammeh and […]


Oscar Pistorious Headed for Jail!

 By Dida Halake, London, UK There are two Golden Rules accepted in all civilised jurisdictions for fairness and justice in criminal trials to prevail.   The First Golden Rule is that every accused person must be presumed, by the court of law, to be innocent until proven guilty (“presumption of […]


A Tragic Story That Rocks Banjul

Matarr Sarr was deemed as Gambian Robin Hood, who was attempting to defend the takeover of the Gambian economy by wealthy foreign nationals. Read along and learn some vital historical lessons. History repeats itself. Today the Gambian economy is controlled largely by foreign nationals with all the rhetoric of President Jammeh. This March will mark the  […]


Jammeh: A Tapeworm In Senegal’s Stomach

  By Ousainou Mbenga Aside from the above metaphor, Jammeh is indeed a two – headed tapeworm, one sucking Gambian blood, the other slowly eroding the bowels of its secondary host –Senegal – by inflaming Casamance, the southern region of Senegal. In addition, the escalating uncertainty at the neocolonial borders […]


Gay Debate Goes Yale Law School

  By Dida Halake, London UK. Editor, The UK’s only Supreme Court woman judge, Lady Hale (whom I once described admiringly as “one Hell of a Lady”) has taken the Gay Debate to the hallowed lecture hall of Yale Law School. (Lady Hale’s most notable judgement at the UK Supreme […]


The Height Of Jammeh's Hypocrisy

Our State House source has exposed President Yahya Jammeh’s hypocrisy, wondering why Gambian leader continues his systematic campaign against the west.  Some years back, Gambian leader denied accepting the said Honorary Citizenship, let alone keeping it. But his latest rant against the west has forced a State House staff to […]