Search Results for "what"


'I Have No Blood On My Hands'

A former high ranking military officer has confidently stated that his hands are clean. Lt. Colonel Pa Modou Ann’s name has never been linked to any atrocity or brutality in the Gambia. The former military administrator has been admired for his high level of professionalism, discipline and willingness to work […]


Our New Redlight District

Africa is noted for marking each occasion with a fanfare of musical and traditional jamboree. Suffice it to say, each music or dance celebrates and showcases its cultural uniqueness and way of life. The Gambia is no exception to such carnivals. However, what distinguishes her from the rest of other […]


Gays Exist In Ancestral Africa

Mr. Laye:  “Even in ancestral Africa, homosexuality did exist … there is no evidence whatsoever that gays as a group were persecuted in pre-colonial Africa”. Halake says:  “Absolutely, Kalil. We have always been a civilised and tolerant people – until the imperialists interfered! The “tolerance” of homosexuals in Africa that […]


Kairo Features Accomplished Gambian

Kairo Radio will inaugurate a new program aimed at featuring accomplished and distinguished Gambians. The maiden program kicks off on Sunday 5 PM Easter time , with the former Lt. Col. Pa Modou Ann setting the ball rolling with Mohammed Lamin Sillah. The goals of the new program, Talking Point, […]


‘Don't Allow Others To Define You’

Children of Gambian descent have been advised to define themselves instead of allowing others to do so. The advice was contained in a speech delivered by a distinguished Gambian professor in the United Kingdom. Dr Momodou Sallah, the award-winning educator of De-Montford University, has had huge experience in youth engagement […]


Lumumba, Mandela and Africa’s Next Strategy

January 2014 marked the 50th commemoration of the assassination of Patrice Emery Lumumba. Lumumba was one of the greatest forces behind the wrestling of Independence from the unwilling hands of Belgian colonizers of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Africa’s most celebrated freedom fighter, Nelson Mandela exited this realm at the […]


Disappeared Americans In Spotlight

They were best friends in high school and came to America together to attend the University of Washington in Seattle. Alhaji Mamut Ceesay and Ebou Jobe are from The Gambia in Western Africa, and after more than a decade working in the states, and naturalizing as U.S. citizens, they decided […]


'Intellectuals Disrespect Our Cultures'

By Saiks Samateh If any, it is the African intellectuals who have many a times disrespected African values and intellectualism, not knowing your history can at that same time render useless in the face of time.To argue that Gay and Lesbian acceptance is western values clearly indicates here that one […]

Health News

Will Jammeh's Demise Really Change Gambia?

By Papa Kumba Loum  There has been much speculation about the near end of the reign of President Yahya Jammeh. During the months of May/June of 2013 there were extensive rumors regarding the celebrated Senegalaise clairvoyant lady Selbey Ndom who it was claimed had put an ultimatum of 90 days […]


A Serious Thought For Diaspora Gambians…

How Jammeh Exports Enmity, Divided Groups By Gambiano This is serious! Think how many former Jammeh accomplices have been exiled. Think how many of them live in USA, UK, or elsewhere. Think how many composed praises for him, but now hurl curses at him from these same Western sanctuaries. Think […]