Search Results for "what"


Gambia's "No Call No Show"

The Gambia government’s unexplained absence at the just concluded EU-Africa summit in Brussels, Belgium, is unacceptable in any serious democracy. Where else do we expect such a madness and disrespect to occur without qualms or fingers being raised other than a small country whose people find themselves chained in absolute […]


Peter Singhatey Exposed

Peter Begs Jammeh To Spare The Singhatey Family By Alhajie Kanteh The Gambia Daily Observer recently carried a publication conveying message of goodwill and support of erstwhile Lt. Col. Peter Singhatey to the dictator Jammeh and his brutal regime. Singhatey, who is on self-imposed exile somewhere in Ireland, is coming […]

Politics Society

Jammeh: Media Is Not Your Enemy

By Lamin Saddam Sanyang in The Netherlands The freedom of the media in the Gambia was seized on the 22nd of July 1994, when our democratic government was forcefully overthrown by President Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh and his bunch of criminals. From that day to date, so many rights, including those […]


GCC's Flexibility Is Undoubted

By Kebba Abdoulie Sanneh In the muddy waters of the asymmetrical Gambian politics on the ground and the current appearance of different diaspora organisations with their platforms outlining their goals, strategy and calculative measures of the highest Machiavellian theories of undermining, destablising and ultimately bringing the regime of terror to […]


Yahya Jammeh's Unsafe Gambia

As human beings who strongly subscribed to the principles of democracy, good governance, equality before the law, human and peoples’ rights and freedom of speech, it is incumbent upon us to not only stand up against injustice and sufferings around us but also work together to stop them wherever they […]


Activists Set To Confront Jammeh

Gambian activists are once again set to make life difficult for Gambian leader who is reportedly scheduled to attend the European Union donor conference meeting in Brussels, Belgium. Gambian activists in Europe informed the public about their planned protest through a notice copied to the media. Activists called on Gambians […]


PPP Counts 30-Year Blessings

The Coordinator of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has reminded Gambians about the ousted regime’s blessings. In a write published verbatim, Omar Amadou Jallow believed this was necessary to put the record straight for the benefit of all, particularly the younger Gambians. PPP (30) YEARS DEVELOPMENT ACCOMPLISHMED IN THE GAMBIA […]


Join the Struggle or Step Aside

After reading his writing, I am beginning this wonder if Mr. Lamin Darbo is not of such persons who could not stand meaningful progress by any Gambian or Gambian groups.  It seems instead of contributing to our Gambian struggle, Mr. Darbo prides himself in negative criticism of anything resembling Gambian […]