Search Results for "what"


Gambian Turns 50

By Momodou Ndow The idea of fighting for Independence, gaining it, and self-rule sounds pretty romantic, right? But as Gambia celebrates 50 years of Independence, I’m not looking at the “romantic” aspect, but the “reality” aspect instead. Where are we after 50 years? That is the question. Some argue that […]


Gambia’s Independence Means A Lot

The leader of the opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) believes The Gambia’s independence means a lot, despite the current unfortunate state of affairs which makes it disheartening to talk about anything positive. Lawyer Ousainou Darboe’s message – contained in his party’s 50th Golden Jubilee Message – recognises the “positives and […]


Coup Finds Gambia At Crossroads

The insurgency took place at a time when Gambia was at a crossroads. The Government had just requested over one billion dalasis as supplementary appropriation to the 2014 budgetary allocation of 10.2 billion dalasis. 459 million dalasis went to the Office of President to cover cost such as expenditure on […]


Will Minnesota Federal Courts Deliver Justice? Part 4

By Yero Jallow “The invincibility of our cause and the certainty of our final victory are the impenetrable armor of those who consistently uphold their faith in freedom and justice in spite of political persecution” (Nelson Mandela. Culled from the web on 2/15/2015). Part 4 of the series will […]


Is There Anything To Celebrate?

Gambians Mourn Death Of An Independent Nation 20 out of 50 years For a president that seized power dislodging democratically elected government by force of guns in a coup, Yaya Jammeh has no moral justification and lacks all political sanity celebrating 50 years since Gambia became independent from colonial rule […]


The Diaspora Trifecta

FIRST and FOREMOST, let me make a disclaimer here that this author is aware and tracking that currently emotions and sentiments are high, given recent developments. In this background, it will be extremely difficult to set aside emotions and use professional judgment. As such, this piece is presented in the […]