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Gambia Inspires Seinabo’s Music

By Tom Lanham Exotic neo-soul singer Seinabo Sey spent her early childhood in Gambia, home to her musician father Mawdo Sey, of the renowned Afro-pop band Ifang Bondi. “It was a very strict culture, compared to Swedish culture,” says the sultry-voiced singer, who moved with the family back to her […]


Barrow, Faal Granted Bail But…

The third man accused of conspiring to overthrow the Gambia government was on Wednesday granted bail by a Federal Court Judge in Minnesota. Alagie Barrow returned to the United States only to be arrested, detained and charged with conspiring to dislodge ‘a friendly nation’ from power. He has since been […]


Over Analysing Yahya Jammeh

Is it all about Dictator Jammeh or is there more to it? Kairo radio show on today. Gambians have somehow become addicted to every conversation which starts and ends with Yahya Jammeh. We start with Yahya Jammeh the rapist, Yahya Jammeh the murderer, Yahya Jammeh the corrupt President, Yahya Jammeh […]


Demba Conta Defends Culture

The veteran Gambian singer-song writer and composer speaks to Kairo Radio. The chat with Demba Conta is part of a series he has been having with Mr. Mohammed Lamin Sillah. In this current chat, the Gambian Reggae God-father went beyond his more than 30-year-old music career, for he gave a […]


Yaya Jammeh Is The Terrorist!

By Ousainou Mbenga The APRC (Association of Pigs Rats and Cockroaches) and its chief terrorist, Jammeh are waging a desperate campaign to degrade the December 30, 2015 attempted coup as a “terrorist” attack against his monstrous regime. In this era of “war against terrorism” by the U.S and its allies, […]