Search Results for "Deals "


No Islamic State In Islam

By: Dr Alhagi Manta Drammeh (FHAE, FRSA, UK) Islam is a divinity, a theology and a revelation that should not be used for personal interests and promotion of an ideology. Upon his arrival at Yathrib that became known as Medina, the Prophet of Islam Muhammad did not convert it. Rather […]


May God Save Dear Little Gambia Part 1

By Sulayman (Saul) Saidykhan Less than two weeks ago, the female trailblazer, Dr. Isatou Touray caused considerable buzz both within and outside The Gambia by announcing her candidature as an Independent in the country’s presidential poll slated for this December. Perhaps not surprising, much of the excitement revolves around the […]


Why Gambia’s Education Is A Mess

The current education system in the Gambia is indeed a national disaster which has become prevalent since Dictator Jammeh came to power. The ministry of education has many incompetent staff who cannot even write a proper sentence, let alone formulate meaningful education policies. The head of that ministry has no […]


No Theocracy in Islam

By: Dr Alhagi Manta Drammeh The extensive interest in Islam recently in the world, has occasionally caused confusion as a result of ignorance and misinformation. Distortions of the teachings of Islam  through myopic lenses  have resulted from negative passions. Therefore, the task of understanding Islam as lived and viewed traditionally […]


From Prezidom to Family Nation

By Baba Galleh Jallow Unlike Africa’s current nation-state system, the chiefdoms, kingdoms and empires that existed in precolonial Africa had fluid boundaries that expanded or contracted depending on the power or weakness of their central governments. Some of them had wise rulers who treated their subjects in a kind and […]


Gambian Lawmakers Urged To Send Jammeh Packing

By Abdoulie John Minority Leader Samba Jallow has urged the country’s lawmakers to consider tabling no-confidence motion against President Yahya Jammeh since he is ‘unable to discharge his duty.’ “The National Assembly should try to implement section 66 of the constitution which deals with mental or physical incapacity of the President,” […]



By Baba Galleh Jallow In a recent piece published on Kairo News, Karamba Touray tells the sad story of Imam Cherno Gassama. He writes: “I have not been able to take this good man out of my mind from Friday July 1st when a friend of mine visited his family […]


Virtues and Benefits of Fasting

“O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous (tattaqun)” (Al-Baqarah, 2:181). Righteousness (taqwa) or God consciousness is the main theme of fasting and indeed chapter of the Qur’an, the longest chapter of the Qur’an. At […]