Search Results for "Deals "


Barrow Freed Over 300 Prisoners

Since his inauguration, President Adama Barrow has freed more than 300 prisoners. This is contained in President Barrow’s speech at the 61st Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights in Banjul. On behalf of the Government and People of The Gambia, and on my own behalf, […]


‘I Feel Thoroughly At Home’

The Gambia’s Ambassador to Sierra Leone has recently present his Letter of Credence to President Ernest Bai Koroma. In his letter published below, Femi Peter said “I feel thoroughly at home.” Your Excellency Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, President of our sister Republic of Sierra Leone It gives me great pleasure […]


Gambia Comes Clean On Oil License

Abdoulie John The Gambia’s presidency has come clean on the issuance of licenses for oil exploration blocks, contradicting earlier reports that contracts have been awarded to some oil companies to conduct offshore test drilling. “The new administration has not issued any license for petroleum exploration or production,” State House spokesperson Amie […]



By Sainey Faye ……Do you remember old Marcus Garvey? He taught us that:- “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” —Marcus Mosiah Garvey “The Black Skin is not a badge of shame,but rather a glorious symbol of national greatness.” […]


Bar Deplores Ndura’s Mischief

The Gambia Bar Association has issued a statement distancing itself from the impropriety of one of its senior members Lawyer Sheriff Tambadou. The association also condemned what it called “the mischievous actions” of Mrs Ndura Badjie, wife of former NIA Director standing trial for murder, describing her pre-meditated recording of the meeting […]


How Suntou Manifests Bravery

An erudite Gambian political activist based in the United Kingdom is currently in the Gambia. Suntou Touray has manifested bravery by visiting and hearing the horror stories of those Gambian politicians who fearlessly put their lives on the firing line for six months before the election that swept Yahya Jammeh […]



Few months ago, a friend of mine told me that Ecowas is such an effective regional organization that Morocco is asking to become a member. At first I thought it was just a publicity stunt as it was around the same time that Morocco was re-admitted into African Union (AU) […]


Ousainou Mbenga Strikes Back

Ousainou Mbenga has swiftly reacted to Kairo News article titled Mbenga And The Bragging Snakes. For reasons best known to him, Mr. Mbenga snubbed Kairo News. Instead of sending his reaction to us, he preferred to use his Facebook wall to defend himself. In our efforts to give Mr. Mbenga […]


The Role & Scope Of Gambia In The 21st Century

Part I: Intro – The Role & Scope of The Gambia Government In The 21st Century Besides the natural shrinking/expansion the geographic size of The Republic of The Gambia remained unchanged – roughly 11,000 Km2. Everything else has pretty much changed since February 18, 1965. We’ve increased in population We’re […]


Your Excellency, It is Time to Reflect!

It It has been four months since our fateful presidential election in December and what a four-month period it has been! Our transition has been anything but smooth and peaceful. If we are to call a transition that took place only after the intervention of a regional military force peaceful […]