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GDF Disburses Funds To UDP

PRESS RELEASE FROM GDF – GAMBIA DEMOCRACY FUND On 4/17/16, the leadership of United Democratic Party requested assistance to offset expenses incurred as they continue their mobilization efforts, which has taken a national dynamic. UDP also expressed concern that without urgent assistance, this goal will not be met. Heeding that […]


9th Week Trucker’s Boycott

Senegal-Gambia stalemate continues Trucks carrying goods for Senegal’s southern region take longer but cheaper way round, than a shortcut across The Gambia, costing it custom revenue. SENEGAL said it’s waiting for a regional delegation to help resolve a truck drivers’ boycott of Gambia which is entering its ninth week, starving its […]

Finance News

PDOIS Holds Convention

PRESS RELEASE ON PDOIS CONVENTION PDOIS is to hold a Convention on Saturday 19 March, 2016 at the Kairaba Beach Hotel commencing at 3pm. The main purpose of the Convention is to formally declare Halifa Sallah’s candidature and receive his acceptance, pledges and policy statement as PDOIS’ Presidential Candidate for […]


Discourse On Independence

By Ebou Gaye Many Africans viewed colonialists as encroachers and oppressors during the colonial era. Thus, they craved, clamoured and fought hard for independence. I commend them highly for the earnest efforts they made to disentangle our people from the clutches of those exploiters. However, hopes were dashed shortly after […]

Finance News

Silent Song

By Baba Galleh Jallow The song struggles To escape the cage Hits the wall On every side Dances on the inside with Silence on the outside as The whole universe trembles At the deafening echoes Of this silent song!


Putin Will Nuke ISIS – Soon!

Sounds crazy? Unfortunately, the logic of the Syrian war and the involvement (and financial/political investment) of various nations point to the logical conclusion, from Russia’s point of view, of the nuclear option.   These are some of the reasons:-   Putin and his people were shocked when 224 of their […]


Time To Defund ICC

Another interesting piece about ICC and our Fatou. Luntango Sunn Gann Gi has written enough about this, so no more to say, except to add that a budget of $140 million a year, 700 staff, and $2 BILLION spent to get only TWO convictions BOGGLES the mind! Time to defund […]


Re: Independence Revisited

By Dodou Jawneh I have earlier entertained the notion that had Jawara left power and handed it over to someone else the coup might not have taken place. This view has changed somewhat over the years, and I am now coming to terms more and more that subversive elements/Africa’s military […]



Why don’t you find Another space to flex Those borrowed muscles Another space to watch Those mountain ridges crack On those NOT borrowed arms Trying to smash the heads Of truth and justice? Baba Ends