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Seriously, OJ Isn’t Helping

Seriously, our problems are bigger than we thought. Less than four months to the presidential elections, with no possible coalition talks yet, these parties have no formula for how they could find a consensus on WHO/WHAT leads, HOW/WHY. The party (People’s Progressive Party) that does not have an intention of […]


Enough Is Indeed Enough

 Enough is indeed Enough When people are determined and ready they can dislodge tyrants from power. Yes, unbearable social conditions call for radical reactions from those affected particularly if the powers that be wouldn’t budge. It happens in Ghana, Burkina Faso and even in our neighboring Senegal. In the Gambia […]


How People’s Power Triumphs

By Bax I think the problem of the judiciary and the predicament of judicial officials, can better be understood when we examine it within the wider context of failures of the institutions of governance and try to figure out the underlying factors for such failings, rather than just look at […]

Finance News

Poetic Justice

A good deed flashed In his mind Yet to be committed Before the throne And made him smile With graceful pleasure And joyous anticipation A hefty servant strode up and Slapped the frail prophet The stout king laughed At the curious antics Of over-zealous servants Always trying to please the throne […]


SI Blows Trumpet For UDP

Socialist International (SI) has blown the trumpet for the Gambia’s oppressed opposition United Democratic Party (UDP), condemning Gambian security forces for using excessive force on opposition protesters. In a resolution adopted by a meeting of the council the SI in Geneva, Switzerland, the Jammeh government has been blamed for its violent […]


Sheriff’s Colour We Never Know

Until he had officially become a member of President Yahya Jammeh’s criminal government in early 2015, Sheriff Bojang had been admired and revered for his God-endowed writing skills. Any time the name Sheriff Bojang is mentioned, people think of that smart, talented journalist whose essays are loaded with literary sense. […]


UN Inspectors Visit Mile 2

The embattled Gambian President Yahya Jammeh has swallowed his pride and allowed United Nations officials access to the Gambia’s Mile 2 Central Prisons located in the outskirts of the capital Banjul. In November2014, the Gambia denied the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Christof Heyns, and the […]

Finance News

GDF Disburses Funds To Protest Victims

Press Release – Gambia Democracy Fund (GDF) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 25th 2016 GDF Released $5500 to the victims of the Political Crisis in Gambia When members of United Democratic Party and others took to the streets a week ago, the brutal regime of Yahya Jammeh responded with a callous […]


Solo’s Body Or Mine

Dear Honourable Minister, Yes, Sheriff, good friend. Some 15 years ago you and I were talking over a plate of Benechin in a Bakau restaurant and you said this: “Many times have people misread Jammeh and I will not make that mistake”. That was in answer to my question “Why […]