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PDOIS: IEC Legitimises Impunity

PDOIS’ STATEMENT ON THE UNCONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE INSINUATED TERMS IN THE IEC’S REQUEST FOR REGULARALISATION OF EXISTING POLITICAL PARTIES Halifa Sallah 29 AUGUST 2015 For The Central Committee The Central Committee of PDOIS received a letter from Alhagie Mustapha L Carayol, dated 19th August 2015 captioned “Regularisation of existing political […]


NRMG Reshuffles Executive

In an on-going reorganization and restructuring, the National Resistance Movement of the Gambia, NRMG, herewith wishes to make it known that Capt. (Rtd) Alhajie Kanteh has been appointed Acting Secretary General of the Movement effective 01 August 2015. All members of the Executive remain in place pending confirmation by the […]


Clemency Doesn’t End The Struggle

In his weekly social media posting dubbed This Week In The Struggle, Omar Joof touched on a wide range of issues, including the dangers attached to monopolisation of Power. The former President of Gambia Student Union also harped on President Yahya Jammeh’s impromptu clemency pronouncement, which according to him, is […]


Help US Send Tombong’s Body Home

OBITUARY Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un  ‎‎‎‎‎ The Gambia Support Network in Greater Manchester (GSN) and the Sanayng Family of Kiang, deeply regret to announce the death of Brother Uthman Sanynag also known as Tombong. Mr. Sanyang passed away on Thursday 11th June at a Manchester hospital in United […]


The End of UDP Tour In Pictures

  The United Democratic Party yesterday concluded the first leg of their countrywide tour in Serrekunda. The party faithful and well-wishers lined up the street whilst fleet of over 220 cars and vans accompanied the delegation to the party leader’s residence. Lawyer Darboe gave a speech to the hundreds of […]


Stop Bullying Sheikh Muhideen

Leave Sheikh Muhideen Hydara alone By Baba G. Jallow The ongoing trial of Darsilami Sangajor Caliph Sheikh Sheriff Muhideen Hydara represents one of the most nauseating inflictions of unnecessary and totally unjust harassment of innocent persons by the Yahya Jammeh’s Bully State. Over the past several months, the elderly man […]


UTG Students’ Strike Continues

Protesting students of the University of The Gambia on Monday held a meeting to discuss their state of affairs. The session availed the students the opportunity to concretise their stand on the new grading system. The students were told about the outcome of a research on grading system in universities […]


The Invisible

By Baba G. Jallow Crowds, crowds everywhere Not a face in sight Heads, heads everywhere Not a single nod Laughter, laughter everywhere Not a single smile Shouts, shouts everywhere Not a single whisper Eyes, eyes everywhere Not a single sighting Ideas, ideas everywhere Not a single thought Light, light everywhere […]


PDOIS Held No Meeting With CORDEG

The Central Committee of the opposition People’s Democratic for Organisation and Independence (PDOIS) has denied holding a meeting with a representative of the Committee for the Restoration of Democracy to The Gambia (CORDEG). The party’s clarification is contained in a public notice sent to Kairo News. It was a reaction to some […]