Search Results for "Phone Number "


Donald Trump Just Lost The Election

By John Avlon Mark down the date: October 7, 2016, is when Donald Trump lost the presidency. I’m usually reluctant to play the pundit-prediction game but Independent and Republican women aren’t going to bounce back from this one. Not when the GOP nominee is caught on tape talking about hitting […]


EU Tells Gambia To Free Opposition Prisoners

EP delegation to The Gambia calls the government to release all protestors arrested in connection with the April protests Pres release Delegation composed of four members of the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI), David Martin (S&D, UK), Richard Howitt (S&D, UK), Judith Sargentini (Greens/EFA, NL) and Karol Karski […]


Tap Into The Insurance You Need

September is known for not only back to school in the United States but also the Life Insurance Awareness Month. For a quick comprehensive overview, please visit We at the Financial Empowerment Center wish to take this opportunity to remind our large readership the commemoration of this important event […]


Is Transgambia Route Opened Or Still Closed?

// // a||1342177279>>=1)b+=b;return c};String.prototype.repeat||(String.prototype.repeat=aa);var g=this,ba=function(a){var b=typeof a;if(“object”==b)if(a){if(a instanceof Array)return”array”;if(a instanceof Object)return b;var; if(“[object Window]”==c)return”object”;if(“[object Array]”==c||”number”==typeof a.length&&”undefined”!=typeof a.splice&&”undefined”!=typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable&&!a.propertyIsEnumerable(“splice”))return”array”;if(“[object Function]”==c||”undefined”!=typeof”undefined”!=typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable&&!a.propertyIsEnumerable(“call”))return”function”}else return”null”;else if(“function”==b&&”undefined”==typeof”object”;return b};var h=String.prototype.trim?function(a){return a.trim()}: function(a){return a.replace(/^[\s\xa0]+|[\s\xa0]+$/g,””)},k=function(a,b){return-1!=a.indexOf(b)},l=function(a,b){return ab?1:0};var m;a:{var n=g.navigator;if(n){var q=n.userAgent;if(q){m=q;break a}}m=””}var t=function(){this.a=””;this.b=r};t.prototype.s=!0;t.prototype.o=function(){return this.a};var ca=/^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp):|[^&:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/i,r={},u=function(a){var b=new t;b.a=a;return b};u(“about:blank”);var v=function(){this.a=””;this.c=da;this.b=null};v.prototype.s=!0;v.prototype.o= function(){return this.a};var da={},y=function(a,b,c){a.a=b;a.b=c;return a};y(new v,”\x3c!DOCTYPE html\x3e”,0);y(new v,””,0);y(new v,”\x3cbr\x3e”,0);var […]


Investigate Death In Custody, Free Protesters

(Dakar) – The suspicious death in custody of opposition political leader Solo Sandeng and the arrest of his party leader, Ousainu Darboe, and other party members in recent days underscore the repressive nature of the Gambia’s government, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and ARTICLE 19 said today. The groups said […]


Gambia Closes Its Border With Senegal

By Abdoulie John The Gambia has closed its borders with Senegal. This followed the move taken by transport unionists to disrupt traffic between the two neighbouring countries. “The traffic flow along the ferry terminal has drastically changed. There is a significant reduction in number of vehicles crossing,” said a resident […]