Search Results for "Phone Number "


Is Enfranchisement Of The Diaspora The Priority?

Since the removal of our corrupt and divisive dictator of twenty-two years there have been numerous calls for enfranchisement of the Gambian diaspora, specifically to enable Gambians abroad to vote in our future elections and better still, have representatives in our legislature. Probably very few people will argue against the […]


Reflections On The Barrow Presidency, Part I

By Foday Samateh This should be the high noon of reform. An unwavering, single-minded moment of transition to the third republic. But rather than rethinking government — its set-up, its operations and its proper roles — in a new paradigm that is pragmatic and optimal, the powers be in Banjul […]


TRRC Update: Hearings Start January 7

By Baba Galleh Jallow Finally we have a date: The TRRC will hold its first public hearing on Monday January 7, 2019. The decision was finalized at a meeting of the commissioners and senior staff of the Secretariat at Dunes Resort on Wednesday, December 5. We are confident that all […]


The Crisis of Educated Gambians

By Ebrahim Jaiteh The Gambia has plenty scholars, yet where are their solutions to our problems? Our beloved country is currently dominated by a generation of noise makers: a people who can talk almost all the time, but don’t act. It is very annoying to hear some “experts” giving speeches […]



His Excellency President Adama Barrow and his Minister of Information and Communication Infrastructure, Ebrima Sillah, have outlined the communications and digital policy of the government which is aimed at connecting The Gambia to the world’s digital economy. At a meeting in Brikama, West Coast region, as part of the ongoing […]


Legal Action Filed Against Gambian Ex-Dictator

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Survivors of Bogus HIV and AIDS “Cure” Seek Compensation, Recognition of Human Rights Abuses in Gambian Courts May 31, 2018 – Three survivors of Yahya Jammeh’s fraudulent and destructive HIV and AIDS “treatment programme” have today filed a legal action in the High Court of The Gambia. Fatou Jatta, […]



In Many countries and democracies around the world when national elections are over the winner celebrates whiles the loser concedes defeat and congradulates the winner. This is no difference in the recent Gambia Mayoral and Loca Area Council elections. Some candidates were pragmatic enough to lift the phone and congradulate […]


The Gambia’s National Debt

Assume you’re the Governor of Central Bank of The Gambia, what Monetary policy/ies would you adopt? What goals will you be trying to achieve with your choice? Assume you’re the Finance and Economic Affairs Minister, what fiscal economic policy/ies would you adopt? How would the Appropriation Bill reflect your adopted […]


Facts About Immigration Scandal

Apparently, journalists are supposed to exercise due diligence before publishing a story. You need to verify, vet and double check before doing a publication. These are not Nderry Mbai’s best journalistic practices. He doesn’t mind to distort, misrepresent or change facts to lies just to satisfy his readership or to be […]