Search Results for "Phone Number "


Africa’s Danger Of A Single Story

By HE John Dramani Mahama President of Ghana What is the story that comes to mind when people hear the name “Africa”? The presentation, or representation, of one? That has always been the danger when it comes to how we discuss Africa. There has always been the assumption of a […]


Article 19 Deplores Gambia’s Repression

By Abdoulie John Systematic repression of dissident voices and the attacks on civic space have heightened in Gambia since the failed coup d’Etat of December 2014, according to a human rights monitoring group. Article 19 made this statement before the ongoing 56th ordinary session of African Commission for Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR), which […]


Gambia Government Orchestrated Potential Bloodbath Against UDP

PRESS RELEASE POTENTIAL BLOODBATH BEING OCHESTRATED BY GAMBIA GOVERNMENT AGAINST THE OPPOSITION UNITED DEMOCRATIC PARTY. The United Democratic Party (UDP) is informing the international community about a potential bloodbath being orchestrated by the Gambia Government against the party. Currently the UDP has embarked on a countrywide tour starting from 16th […]


Legal Fund For Faal And Njie

Dear Gambian brothers and Sisters, Allow me yet again on a similar situation but of a different matter, to make this humble appeal to all Diaspora Gambians seeking your kind donation towards setting up a Legal Defence Fund to support our legendary freedom fighters now going through legal tussles in […]


A Possible Way Forward Final Part

Sphere Three, The Diaspora Political Force Part Three Immigration has become a global phenomenon that has today left few societies standing in their pure ethnic shells and there is no going back on this. Naturally the impact of mass emigration has also left few societies intact. So it is also […]


A Possible Way Forward Part 1

A Draft Outline For Political Strategy For A Proposed National Front Introduction Basic Assumptions. a) That The Gambia Equally Belongs To All Who Were Born In The Country Or whose parents, or one of the parents, were born in the country and are concerned about the country’s good. b) That […]