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ICC Urged To Probe Gambia Violations

In the wake of increased repression in Gambia, calls are intensifying for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to send a team of investigators to examine cases of gross human rights abuses mounted by security forces against peaceful protesters. “The ICC has to look into the case of Solo Sandeng and […]


Let’s Heal Our Financial Wounds

Smart Money Week Offers Unique Opportunities By Kemo Barrow Financial Empowerment Center is honoured and humbled to bring you week three financial tips or message of the week April 23 – 30th. Join us as we seek knowledge and wisdom to better our selves, families and communities financially, to comemmorate […]


Rights Groups Drum Up Gambia Sanctions

At least 15 national, regional and international human and civil rights groups have issued a statement, drumming up support for ‘targeted sanctions against President Yahya Jammeh, his government and his family.” In a joint statement issued in the Senegalese capital Dakar, the groups that include Amnesty International, also want unconditional […]


Benefits Of Home Ownership In America

Recently as an African born Real Estate Agent in Knoxville, Tennessee; I’ve been engaged in a massive marketing campaign among African immigrants particularly Gambians to buy homes as it is a better option and investment than renting. One obstacle I encounter among many is the misconception of buying a home […]


MFWA Director Becomes ECOWAS CSO Boss

The Executive Director of the Media Foundation for West Africa, Sulemana Braimah, has been appointed the Secretary General of a newly-established ECOWAS civil society platform on transparency and accountability in governance. The new platform, known as the ECOWAS Civil Society Organisations Platform on Transparency and Accountability in Governance (ECSOPTAG) was […]