Search Results for "what"


Are Our Cries Falling On Deaf Ears?

Gambia’s Open Defiance To UN Inspectors As Gambians, sometimes we feel as if our cries and tears are falling on deaf ears. The accounts that the activist, opposition politicians, journalist, commentators, media analysts and human rights organisation detailed about the Gambia, are rendered futile because the international diplomatic wheel continues […]


Fatou Jaw Manneh Goes To Oslo

By Foday Samateh “When I arrived in Gambia, I was greeted by some plainclothes secret service personnel at the airport. “You are Fatou Jaw Manneh?” they asked. “Yes,” I answered. “Come with us,” they said. My brother was there to pick me up. “Where are you taking her?” he asked. […]


Yahya: A Big Tree That Must Be Cut Down

Indisputable! The remaining questions: How do we chop down the tree? When do we chop down the big tree – before the start of new project or at the end or somewhere in-between? The answers to these questions are not simply what we wish but what we could, what’s feasible […]


‘We Endure Maximum Brutality’

“A person sitting under the sun should remain there with steadfastness because the shade will find him/her there. I will encourage the UDP supporters to keep fighting.” Aji Sukaina Kah President of United Democratic Party (UDP) women’s wing has delivered a very moving speech at the party’s 18th anniversary rally […]


Pay Day For Dictator Jammeh

By Lamin Saddam Sanyang, The Netherlands In shaa Allah we are almost at the end of the barbaric, cruel and brutal reigning of President Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh. Like employees get their wages and salaries at the end of each pay-period, so is President Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh and his bunch of criminals […]


The UN Human Rights Rapporteur Saga

Another Black Eye For The Crumbling Jammed Fiefdom By Kaba Sallah The indecision and immaturity of the Jammeh gangster government was on full display for the whole world to see during the planned visit of the UN Human Rights Rapporteurs in November, 2014. Having invited the UN research team to […]


Gambia Protests Samba's Mistreatment

The Gambia government has vehemently condemned what they called “criminal attacks” on a close associate of President Yahya Jammeh. In a statement broadcast over national television last night, the Gambia government wanted Senegalese authorities to arrest and bring to justice the criminal attackers of Mr. Amadou Samba. The business magnate […]