Search Results for "what"


Putin Will Nuke ISIS – Soon!

Sounds crazy? Unfortunately, the logic of the Syrian war and the involvement (and financial/political investment) of various nations point to the logical conclusion, from Russia’s point of view, of the nuclear option.   These are some of the reasons:-   Putin and his people were shocked when 224 of their […]


Jammeh Should Be Impeached If…

The dust over President Yahya Jammeh’s proclamation of The Gambia as an Islamic State continues to rise, with the opposition People’s Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism calling for his (the President’s) impeachment if he begins to implement the unilateral Brufut Declaration. Read below a statement penned by the party’s […]


Donald Trump And Muslims

By Sulayman “Saul” Saidykhan Please indulge me the opportunity to add to the current debate regarding Mr. Trump and his ideas about Muslims because 1. I’m American by choice and 2. am a Muslim. Without going any further, let me state here that what happened in San Bernardino some weeks […]


Now That The Dust Has Settled!

By Gambian Outsider Now that the dust has settled, let us look at what has transpired from the Despot’s [President Jammeh’s] declaration and the many and different reactions to it. Some called it a proclamation and others called it a pronouncement. Some called it null and void and others called […]


UDP Rubbishes Jammeh’s Islamic State Proclamation

The opposition United Democratic Party has issued a statement rubbishing President Yahya Jammeh’s proclamation of The Gambia as an Islamic State. The party says the “ill-considered and ill-advised” proclamation is outrightly “unconstitutional and illegal.” Read below the UDP’ rebuttal in full: STATEMENT BY THE UNITED DEMOCRATIC PARTY ON THE PROCLAMATION […]


Face To Face With Iman Conta

In this special interview with Kairo Radio, the daughter of Gambian reggae legend Demba Conta talks about her life, family and road to music career. Imam Conta storms the music world by surprise, with her composed song Lush Life hitting record sales in Europe. Interviewer: Mohamed Lamin Sillah Iman Conta […]


Why We Celebrate Deyda Hydara

The Gambia’s leading journalist whose December 16th, 2004 assassination remains unsolved, meant a lot to me, especially during my formative years in journalism. Deyda Hydara was a man who taught many of us to be who we are. He also brought Alhaji Saramadi Kabbah (nephew of the late Ahmed Tijan […]