Search Results for "what"


Tribalism: Constitutional Constipation

                    My Marxist/Leninist/Maoist Comrades cum Friends and I had been locked in disagreement. No matter how I marshalled my arguments I could not persuade them that Pan-Africanism was an African Personality to the World Working Class Movement. Indeed within Pan-Africanism we faced possible unnecessary “ruptures” between […]


Pharoah Of Gambia Has Spoken But…

A crusade against the Mandinkas of Gambia The pharaoh of Gambia has spoken, we don’t hear from Allah yet… Or should I say a President with a mission!! Dictator Jammeh should resign as president of the Gambia with immediate effect. The true accounts of what Gambian people have been going […]


Letter to Yahya Jammeh, No. 3

  By Foday Samateh In the wake of the mesmerizing heroics of Lawyer Darboe and his fellow freedom fighters, you couldn’t leave us alone. Like a mad fool terrified of being relegated to a mere afterthought, albeit an appalling one, you had to stomp upon the scene to distract our spellbinding […]


The Dice Has Been Cast!

By Gambian Outsider … a society that has for its religion hypocrisy and materialism coupled with love of human praise, insatiable desire to be known, and blaming God for their own faults deserves what it gets. Such a society is Gambia and Gambians get what they deserve – Jammeh- a […]