Search Results for "what"


Imagined Nations

Baba Galleh Jallow African governments are fond of violently pouncing upon peaceful protesters and those who express dissenting opinion, sending them to jail and, in some cases, clobbering them to death, as happened with Solo Sandeng. Those who survive violent arrest and or torture are slapped with heavy charges, often invariably […]


Letter To Justice Dada

This letter is a religious and elderly advice to Justice Eunice O. Dada. Madam Justice Dada, You are a woman, a mother and a sister. You know very well that torture is unlawful in our constitution. You also know that the April 14th protesters were severely tortured and one of […]


UDP Leader’s Trial Marred By Legal Flaws

As Gambian opposition leader Ousainou Darboe and 19 other co-accused persons continue to stand trial in the absence of legal representation, calls are mounting from various quarters denouncing ‘a blatant abuse of due process.’ “There should not have been a trial,” the Secretary General of the Dakar-based RADDHO Aboubacry Mbodji […]


Abiding Fallacies

By Baba Galleh Jallow It is a tragic irony of African history that governments fail to develop their countries simply because they fail to develop their most abundant and most precious resources – their people. Following independence, most African governments physically stifled the development potentials of their countries by failing […]


Army Planning To Overthrow Buhari

By Oladele Hakeem The Joint Niger Delta Liberation Force (JNDLF), a body of different militant groups has warned President Muhammadu Buhari about the army’s hatched plot to overthrow his government. The group made this known on Tuesday, June 21 while revealing that some top army officers are planning to sack […]


The Spotlight: Where Is Solo Sandeng?

By Yero Jallow “Solo Sandeng beh daawoodaa alaa bondee. Janko Solo Sandeng beh daawoodaa alaa bondee” (Captured from the songs of UDP supporters outside the Banjul courts calling for justice, June 2016). I find it unacceptable that after a complaint with the Gambian courts, the shameful Jammeh tyranny finally admitted to […]


Life And Blood: Jammeh Must Go

Life and Blood on the line in the fight to end the Gambia’s brutal dictatorship. As revelations of the violence inflicted on May 9th peaceful protesters come to light, the people’s voices roar with resistance. These photos provide evidence of brutality meted out on the arrested defenceless citizens. The photos […]


Proceedings Of Protesters’ Trial

The sham trial of the United Democratic Party leadership and supporters Monday continued before mercenary judge Eunice Dada at the High Court in Banjul, with defendants maintaining their defiance to participate in their preconceived conviction. Today’s proceedings The first witness today was Fatoumata A Bah who lives at Kerr Sering, […]