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A Tragic Story That Rocks Banjul

Matarr Sarr was deemed as Gambian Robin Hood, who was attempting to defend the takeover of the Gambian economy by wealthy foreign nationals. Read along and learn some vital historical lessons. History repeats itself. Today the Gambian economy is controlled largely by foreign nationals with all the rhetoric of President Jammeh. This March will mark the  […]


'We Shall Never Give Up'

NATIONAL RESISTANCE MOVEMENT OF THE GAMBIA ANNOUNCEMENT- THANK YOU FOR GAMBIA With honor and humility the Executive Committee of NRMG wishes to express gratitude to all Gambians and friends of The Gambia for their solidarity and support. Many in the Diaspora and in the Gambia have pledged support in different […]


GDAG Engages Thione Seck

The Gambia Democratic Action Group (GDAG) has written to Senegalese musician Thione Seck, informing him about the state of affairs in the Gambia where citizens continue to live in tyranny. Below is the letter signed by GDAG Chairman Mr. Alkali Conteh: To:  The Honorable Thione Seck From:  Gambia Democratic Action […]


‘Daba & Co. Executed To Set An Example’

Our State House revealer has returned to our news desk with yet another revelation. The revealer said the Gambia’s former Director General of the National Intelligence Agency and co “were executed to set an example.” Daba Marena and four other security officers – Lieutenant Ebou Lowe, Lieutenant Alieu Ceesay, Regimental […]


Jammeh: A Tapeworm In Senegal’s Stomach

  By Ousainou Mbenga Aside from the above metaphor, Jammeh is indeed a two – headed tapeworm, one sucking Gambian blood, the other slowly eroding the bowels of its secondary host –Senegal – by inflaming Casamance, the southern region of Senegal. In addition, the escalating uncertainty at the neocolonial borders […]


Kenya MPs Legalise Polygamy

Female MPs in Kenya have stormed out of a late-night parliamentary session in a row over the legalisation of polygamy. The law is intended to bring civil law, where a man is only allowed one wife, into line with customary law, where some cultures allow multiple partners. But male MPs […]


Gay Debate Goes Yale Law School

  By Dida Halake, London UK. Editor, The UK’s only Supreme Court woman judge, Lady Hale (whom I once described admiringly as “one Hell of a Lady”) has taken the Gay Debate to the hallowed lecture hall of Yale Law School. (Lady Hale’s most notable judgement at the UK Supreme […]


The Height Of Jammeh's Hypocrisy

Our State House source has exposed President Yahya Jammeh’s hypocrisy, wondering why Gambian leader continues his systematic campaign against the west.  Some years back, Gambian leader denied accepting the said Honorary Citizenship, let alone keeping it. But his latest rant against the west has forced a State House staff to […]


Colors of Gambian Women's Exploitation

Women the world over have been and are continually been exploited in varied forms and levels by politicians, employers, societies, families and male counterparts. The first generation of women who braced social scorn to spotlight their deplorable conditions and exploitations were branded “feminists” denoting negative stigma. Despite the barriers, resistance, […]


CORDEG Finally Reveals Its Goals

Committee for the Restoration of Democracy to the Gambia (CORDEG) has finally shared its Vision and Mission Statements to the public, stressing its willingness to work tirelessly with all Gambians and the International Community to “address the Gambia’s democratic deficit, social and economic inequities, critical to the realization of fundamental […]


Long Distance Love In Jeopardy

        Scramble For Free calls to the Gambia The Gambia is classify as the most expensive country to call in the world, due to multiple factors. Gambians are scrambling to find ways and means of connecting with family and love ones. Over recent years, Gambians abroad saved hundreds […]