Search Results for "what"


What Separates Kukoi And Sandeng

I think Mr. Sidi N. Bojang is wrong to claim there is a cult like belief surrounding the heroism of Ebrima Solo Sandeng whose extra-ordinary sacrifices warranted genuine Gambians to celebrate his life. He was a man whose selfless role led to the achievement of our new found democracy that […]



Part 2 Our new found democracy comes with a lot of freedom but this new-found freedom must not be abused or misused. With all the inherent weaknesses of democracy, the benefits it brings in terms of freedom of speech, freedom of association, equal access to Justice System, guarantee of rule […]


What Worries Me About TRRC

My fear is that the ambitions of Mr Jallow will blow the legal parameters for setting up a TRRC out of proportion. I didn’t read any where that TRRC is mandated to create a better Gambia nor am I in clue about why the scope of area Mr. Jallow wants […]


What Hon. Halifa Sallah Needs

Sheriff Kora’s article [The Broken Gavel – Halifa Sallah v Mariam Denton] is a brilliant one and up to the point. The key words in recent behavior manifested in the National Assembly are lack of “emotional intelligence” as indicated in the article. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize self […]


What Voting For Rambo Means

Who doesn’t remember Ousman Rambo Jatta during the dark days of the APRC’s brutal regime? The New Gambia is today a democratic country otherwise the likes of Rambo should be banned to run for public office for a specific period of time. The track record of Rambo Jatta is so […]


Let’s Be Careful Of What We Wish For!

Part 1 The recent defeat of dictatorship in our motherland has woken up that good angel of patriotism in the country in different forms including the strong desire to take control of our institutions and ultimately our future and destiny. We would like to see Gambians running our national institutions […]


What Barrow Tells TRRC Chief

Gambian President Adama Barrow presided over the swearing in ceremony of the Executive Secretary of the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparation Commission, Dr. Baba Galleh Jallow, at State House today. President Barrow said Dr. Jallow’s appointment was effected after careful vetting guided by competence, integrity and qualification. Read below President Barrow’s […]


What Separates UDP And PDOIS

There is a fundamental, albeit a significant, difference between UDP [United Democratic Party] and PDOIS [People’s Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism], and between Ousainou Darboe and Halifa Sallah. PDOIS is a doctrinaire party; the types that revolve around a single individual, not unlike a cult, and was in style […]


What I Hate In New Gambia!

Irrespective of our differences in ideology, culture, religion or ethnicity, Gambians on December 1st 2016 weathered the storm by defeating the man who hanged yoke of brutality on our necks. Defeating Yahya Jammeh – the man who singlehandedly decided who survived, tortured, disappeared and lived, claimed to have owned the […]