Search Results for "what"


What I Notice In Barrow’s Gambia

By Kemo Kinteh I just came back from a three-week vacation in the Gambia. My impression, politically, is that the approach of President Adama Barrow seems to be spreading the responsibility of governing over many heads and institutions. This approach is in line with democracy and parts of our culture, […]


What UDP’s Electoral Victory Means

I want to congratulate the entire leadership of the United Democratic Party and its supporters for a resounding landslide victory.  This victory is the beginning of a new era of political freedom, democracy and constitutional rule that our country has been yearning for 22 years. The UDP’s victories in every […]


BB Gets What He Deserves

After more than two decades in exile, worthy sons and daughters of the Gambia are visiting their country of birth. Some came home unnoticed but family, friends and associates of Bakary Bunja Dabo (alias BB) filled the Banjul International Airport on Thursday when news of his arrival filled the air. […]


What Sillah Can Bring To GRTS

The appointment of veteran journalist as the Director General of the Gambia Radio and Television Services (GRTS) has been hailed by many people. Mr. Ebrima Sillah, who replaces Malick Jones, has a wealth of experience in both print. broadcasting and online journalism. Mentored and trained by the late doyen journalist […]


What New Gambian Ministers Promise

By Abdoulie John Gambian newly appointed cabinet ministers have vowed to live up to expectations in achieving political and social demands. The much awaited government is expected to move the country away from Yahya Jammeh’s 22-year rule and deliver on a good number of promises. “A new Gambia has been […]