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Jammeh Abuses Presidency, Takes Gambians As Fools

By Sarjo Bayang                                                                                                                                                           Unveiling thick layers of deception and failed promises as presidents loots the nation Over 20 years failed promises and still making compact majority of Gambians believe that heaven on earth comes the kingdom, it is now time to take stock. Gambia sinking as the president builds […]


Gambia Scores Well On “Brain Drain”

Editor, I do not mean to wind-up KairoNews readership, but I came across this story in South Africa’s Mail & Guardian. The survey is from the Global Competitiveness Report 2014-2015 and the three key points on The Gambia are as follows:- Brain Loss – Here The Gambia is average but […]



By Mustapha Jallow & Abdoulie G. Dibba Foroyaa has been informed that armed Senegalese soldiers posted at the border village of Touba in the Southern part of Senegal(Casamance) have been visiting the village of Tranquil which they claim to be part of their country. Upon receiving the information, this mediumdispatched […]


Greater Banjul Roads Getting Worst

As Baabili Mansa goes on hibernation, road conditions getting worst and inaccessible. Heavy rains worsening the conditions of already dilapidated roads that are not regularly maintenance. Only in the Gambia will a President go partying whilst the citizens are suffering Executive neglect and lack of care. Africa » Gambia Wednesday, […]