Search Results for "what"


The Anointed Turns Against The Anointer

By Suntou Touray The Blessing has overtaken the curse. The Sherrifs are said to be the first spiritual community to bless the former Lt Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh before, and after he joined with other disgruntled soldiers to overthrow the Gambia’s democratically-elected government with force. The soldier-turned-civilian leader felt so spiritually […]


Jammeh Must Talk With Opponents

President Jammeh Must Immediately Enter into Talks with the Political Opposition and Diaspora Gambian Dissidents By any measure, the August 2nd, 2014 political protests that greeted President Yahya Jammeh’s US-Africa Summit visit, was unprecedented in its skillful execution, scope, and success. Gambian dissidents traveled, at great financial and personal expense […]


Wounded Jammeh Vents Anger On His Personal Guard

The Gambia’s wounded President has started venting anger on those close to him, with his Personal Protection Officer Col. Umpa Mendy becoming the first victim. President Yahya Jammeh on Monday ordered Mendy to be demoted from Colonel to Lance Corporal. Mendy was part of the presidential delegation booed, yelled at and […]


The Woman Who Brought Listeners To Tears

  “Free My husband (Ebou Jobe) and companion Alagie Ceesay.” Mai Badjie (The Heroine Of the Washington Protest) The estranged wife of abducted naturalised United States citizen has brought Kairo Radio listeners to tears at the Washington anti-Jammeh protest. Mai Badjie, the wife of Ebou Jobe, spoke to Kairo Radio’s […]


Jammeh Is A Prisoner By Default

The man who holds every Gambian hostage has been reduced to “a prisoner by default” in the United States capital Washington D.C. President Yahya Jammeh was the only African leader whose citizens embarrassed him with angry protests. The protesters became so noisy and adamant that dictator Jammeh chose to stay […]


The Hero Who Succumbs To Ebola

Dr Sheik Umar Khan was a leading doctor from Sierra Leone specialising in viral haemorrhagic fever. He contracted the Ebola virus while treating patients who also had it, and died aged 39 from the disease. When it was announced that he had been infected, Sierra Leone’s Health Minister Miatta Kargbo […]