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‘Don’t Lose Barrow’s Inauguration Momentum’

A prominent Gambian activist has called on the Transition Team of President-elect Adama Barrow to redouble their “vigilance and determination” as the countdown to the inauguration becomes close. Assan Martin wants the team to keep up the inaugural momentum.  “The Coalition needs to take up the momentum as the defeated […]


What Next For New Gambia? After January 19th…

Hard work, dedication, perseverance and commitment are but vital ingredients for new Gambia. Mr Editor, please allow me space in your newspaper once again to add my voice to the humble population of Gambians both at home and in the diaspora who in one way or the other contributed immensely […]


Stop Peddling Subliminal Messages

Now that we are provided with a seemly accurate and unrefutable biography of one Yankuba Badjie, though it is apparent that the real motive again is the Subliminal messages underlying the Hatchet piece. I don’t have the time of “beating around the bush” about the Insidious drum beat of the […]



THE KING OF BECHUANALAND II: Drive Carefully! Dr Karamo NM Sonko A lizard in a desert In the scorching heat of the desert, when sunlight and air create the impression of falling rain, deceiving the eyes with mirages unreachable, a man drove his car, in boredom.  He suddenly saw the […]


Operation Dragon Fire!

Operation Dragon Fire! Yaya, it is over. The people goading you with their tawdry and extravagantly cheap writings are moseying far away from the impending dangers you are still fomenting. “KU REPPA CHI BIRR HARREH, LUNGYU LA JEEN NGA HEPP KO.” You have scorched the torch that you snatched from […]


Who Is Yankuba Badjie?

In this write up, my goal is to expose and educate the Gambian people about Yankuba Badjie, the current head of The Gambia’s National Intelligence Agency which has notoriously been known as Jammeh’s torture chambers. A place where senseless human rights violations have been committed during the course of 22 […]


‘I’m Not A Threat To Islam’

I once made a video and posted it on social media explaining how President Yahya Jammeh blackmailed some prominent Gambians, including religious leaders. In the said video, I explained how the outgoing President recruited beautiful women to lure these unsuspecting people into indecent act [sex]. They would be filmed by […]


Matric Results A ‘Spit’ for the African Child

There is no true democracy and true nation building when our national matric results remind us of our past. Nothing rainbow about this disturbing reality. We are told the class of twenty-sixteen is the largest since the nineteen-nightly-four breakthrough. We applaud the efforts made to ensure that our children are in […]