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A Look At Gambia’s Political Crisis

By Suwareh Darbo The purpose of my message is to share my perspectives with you and your audience. The subject-matter that has been dominating the headlines in the past five weeks is the elections results. It seems that Yaya Jammeh wants to see a cataclysm in the Gambia by making […]


Let Jammeh Contradict Nature

Around early November 2016. I Mr Khan AKA Unbiased Prince GB said; “Yaya Jammeh and his evil men have let power greed consumed their hearts, minds and souls turning them to bitter enemies of themelves. What is about to happen in the coming weeks would shock them worse than the […]


Jammeh’s Last Hope In Limbo

It is evident the Gambia’s outgoing President Yahya Jammeh’s last hope is in limbo. Having lost the election, Yahya Jammeh puts his trust and faith on the Supreme Court to declare the results null and void. His party filed a petition at a court where only the Chief Justice Emmanuel […]


Former Minister Bojang Clarifies

Statement by the Former Minister of Information & Communication, Sheriff Bojang on the Political Impasse in The Gambia. أعوذُ بِٱللَّهِ مِنَ ٱلشَّيۡطَٰنِ ٱلرَّجِيمِ (A’udhu billahi min ash-shaytaan-ir-rajeem) I begin in the name of Allah the Most High, the Most Clement and the Giver of Wisdom. I begin this statement by […]


General Saul Badjie Threatens Soldiers

President Yahya Jammeh’s Republican National Guard Commander this afternoon toured military barracks of Fajara and Yundum warning soldiers to be prepared for consequences of being disloyal to the outgoing President. General Saul Badjie [birth name Karafa Bojang] expects “all soldiers to fight and defend Yahya Jammeh” whose lust for power […]