Search Results for "what"


Fear Overwhelms Gambia

By Yaya Dampha The Gambia has become a place where citizens and those living in the country are not guaranteed the rights to security of persons and properties. Although these are guaranteed by both the Gambian constitution and international laws. Human rights reports illustrate how rights violations are perpetrated by the […]


UDP Has Enough Of Jammeh’s Thuggery! 

By Pata Saidykhan There will always come a time when an oppressed people will be obliged to push back against their oppressors, when they continued to be denied the ventilation they needed. It is only natural that patience and perseverance run out and the innate instincts to defend self kick […]


Day 2 Of UDP Standoff With Police

UDP activist Suntou Touray talked to RFI and explained the quick turn of events and why the United Democratic Party is continuing to stay put until the police open up the road. Lawyer Darboe is getting well-wishers and supporters joining him, and the more the standoff continues, rumors are circulating […]


Prison Fright Looms Over Freed Captive

The authorities in The Gambia have released a long detained woman who was arrested in suspicion of secretly thrashing government information to Gambian online media and ex-military officers in abroad. A team of NIA undercover operation arrested Fatou Drammeh on 27 June 2012. She was kept incommunicado until her release. […]


UDP Begins Nationwide Tour

UDP Nationwide Tour April 16 – April 26 2015 It’s no secret the appalling human rights abuses in the Gambia. It is a known fact the serious economic mismanagement by the authorities in the Gambia. These and many other issues are known quantities to everyone. While we keep ourselves reminded […]


April 15th, African Freedom Day

By Sainey Faye “It is time for new hands to lift the burdens.” – Nelson Mandela “My generation led Africa to political freedom.The current generation of leaders and peoples of Africa must pick up the flickering torch of African Freedom, refuel it with their enthusiasm and determination, and carry it […]


Tribalism: Constitutional Constipation

  By Johnson My Marxist/Leninist/Maoist Comrades cum Friends and I had been locked in disagreement. No matter how I marshalled my arguments I could not persuade him that Pan-Africanism was an African Personality to the World Working Class Movement. Indeed within Pan-Africanism we faced possible unnecessary “ruptures” between so called “Nkrumahists”; […]


UDP Leader Unlocks Dangerous Links

Lawyer Darboe Exposing the Dangerous links between Corruption and Pervasive Human Rights Abuse to the Growing Influence of Insecurity on Politics in West Africa The leader of the United Democratic Party (UDP) Lawyer Ousainou Darboe has warned West African leaders to curb corruption and pervasive human rights abuse if they […]