Search Results for "what"


Nigeria At Cossroads: African Renaissance?

By Alhagi Manta Drammeh Some people cast doubts about the credibility of the Nigerian elections before they were even held on Saturday. Others have been waiting and speculating about what the results would be, who would be the winner and which direction Nigeria would take . The voting process had […]


PPP Roared Allies A No-show!

By Pata Saidykhan First things first! CONGRATULATIONS to honorable Omar A. Jallow and the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) for a very successful rally celebrating the country’s 50th Independence Anniversary. It was not only fitting considering it was the Party that led us to independence, but very timely and necessary. With […]


‘I’ve Not Exploited Gambian Girls’

Gambian-Lebanese businessman has denied trafficking in person charges brought against him in court. Mohamed Ali Raif Fneiche, Sulayman Bojang, Momodou Bojang and Alasan Jallow were accused of conspiring to recruit 19 Gambian girls for the purpose of exploitation. Only Momodou Bojang appeared before Magistrate Samsideen Conteh of Banjul. He was […]


Philosophical Thinking Final Part

Alhassan Darboe Anti-realism, a contemporary philosophical movement sprouted out, which utterly rejected the theory of the existence of independent external reality. Anti-realism propagated by philosophers such as Paul Feyerabend,Richard Rorty,Jacquez Derida, Liz Stanley, Hilary Putnam, Nelson Goodman just to name a few made a complete detour from ‘pragmatism’s’ view that […]


Philosophical Thinking Part 5

By Alhassan Darboe Anti-realism, a contemporary philosophical movement sprouted out, which utterly rejected the theory of the existence of independent external reality. Anti-realism propagated by philosophers such as Paul Feyerabend, Richard Rorty, Jacquez Derida, Liz Stanley, Hilary Putnam, Nelson Goodman just to name a few made a complete detour from […]


Philosophical Thinking Part 4

By Alhassan Darboe Saint Augustine, one of the earliest and greatest Christian Theologians of his time (354-430) prescribed to the idea of our world not only being filled with material beings but super natural and spiritual beings as well. Saint Augustine believes that our real existing universe consists of every […]


Philosophical Thinking Part 3

Alhassan Darboe Intro to Phil, 82-top of 85, 87-top of 90, 93-top of 94,102-105,133-top of138, 144-147. The discourse on the relationship between the body and mind, how they affect each other as a result of their association or lack of it, has been a debate among philosophers for a pretty […]