Search Results for "a"


Gambia To Be Soon Rice Sufficient

By Abdoulie John The Gambia’s Minister of Agriculture Omar A. Jallow has set a two-year time frame for the country to be rice self-sufficient. “With the present intervention in the rice sector, we hope that we can be self-sufficient in the next two years,” he told journalists during a press […]


‘Our Electric Situation Not Satisfactory’

Since assuming the leadership mantle in end of January this year, Gambian President Adama Barrow has been confronted with so many challenging issues. His Coalition government first had to deal with security issues posed by remnants of ousted President Yahya Jammeh’s civilian and security loyalists. The government then grapples with […]


Jammeh Kills, Barrow Saves Lives

President Adama Barrow’s signing of five United Nations treaties at once draws a vast difference between him (Barrow) and the man he had unseated. The whole world begged Yahya Jammeh to spare the lives of 9 death-row inmates in September 2012 but he did not budge. His government executed the […]


What Barrow Tells Diaspora Gambians

By Abdoulie John Gambian leader winds up his maiden presidential visit to the United States where he attended the General Assembly of the United Nations. President Adama Barrow wrapped up his flurry of activities with a town hall meeting with Diaspora Gambians in New York on Saturday before heading home […]


Ombudsman Committed To Human Rights Protection

The Gambia’s Public Protector has reiterated her commitment to protect human rights in a country that is now moving towards a new direction. The end of 22-year Jammeh dictatorship has opened a new era for Gambians who have long cried to regain democracy and freedom. “The Ombudsman enhances the lofty […]


Gambian Constitution Is An Instrument Of Violence Final Part

By Lamin J Darbo Representation of the people On elections, the schizophrenic nature of the Constitution is yet again brilliantly displayed. On the issue of “representation of the people”, there are references to “public elections”, to “elections”, and to “referenda” voting. The Constitution defines “public elections” as “the election for […]


‘Rohingyas Deserve Our Protection’

Despite being thousands of miles away, the Director of the Gambia-based Agency for the Promotion of Global Peace and Religious Tolerance (AGPGRT) believes the world must not sit back and watch Myanmar’s Rohingya risk extinction in the only country they call home. Sheikh Sheriff Mameena Hydara’s message – a response […]


Ebrima Sillah As A Test Case

By Saul Saidykhan Anyone who is following the ongoing Janneh Commission Investigating the financial activities of Yahya Jammeh while he was in office MUST KNOW almost everything in Gambian public life needs to change for the country to progress. These includes all branches of the Civil Service and Security. Gambia […]


Barrow’s Speech That Tames His Critics

President Adama Barrow has delivered his maiden speech at the General Assembly of the United Nations. It was a speech that left majority of his critics dumbfounded. Find below the speech in full details: STATEMENT BY H.E, PRESIDENT ADAMA BARROW, PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA, AT THE GENERAL […]


Why Banjul Loses Capital Status

It is a wonderful suggestion to replace Banjul as the capital of the Gambia. This is the only solution to the country’s disparities and population problem. I hope the new government will take note of this excellent suggestion from a non-Gambian who seems to understand the Gambia more than some […]


Janneh Commission Cornered Former West Coast Governor

The Janneh Commission of Inquiry is leaving no stone unturned in its efforts to get to the bottom of the assets and financial dealings of the Gambia’s ousted President Yahya Jammeh who ruled the country as he pleased for 22 years. In its Tuesday’s sitting, the Commission pushed the former […]