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A Possible Way Forward Part 1

A Draft Outline For Political Strategy For A Proposed National Front Introduction Basic Assumptions. a) That The Gambia Equally Belongs To All Who Were Born In The Country Or whose parents, or one of the parents, were born in the country and are concerned about the country’s good. b) That […]


UDP Insists On Level Playing Field

The main opposition United Democratic Party (UDP) recently wrapped up a provincial tour. The party’s high-powered delegation used the tour to hammer home their central message of criticising the lack of level political field, human rights and break down of democracy in the Gambia. The party also scolded the Jammeh […]


Gambia Faces Serious Danger Of Reprisal

The Gambia government faces serious reprisal danger for its gross violations of human rights, the United Kingdom rights group sounded the bell. Amnesty International issued a public statement ahead of the United Nations Universal Periodic Review to be held in Switzerland on October 27. The Gambia is among a list […]


PDOIS Doesn't Enjoy Favoritism

Opposition People’s Democratic Organization for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS) has issued another reaction to comments published on Kairo News. Find below the reaction in full: CLARIFICATION Lafia wrote: “If PDOIS or Halifa Sallah himself wants to deny that his wife is a permanent secretary, then they must also tell us […]