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Remembering Marcus Garvey

  By Sainey Faye   REMEMBERING MARCUS GARVEY ……Do you remember old Marcus Garvey? “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” ——Marcus Mosiah Garvey “Whether we are of America, Canada, the West Indies, South and Central America, or Africa, the […]


As Jammeh Eyes UTG’s Millions

Prof. Kah’s Lobbyists At Work By An Insider Many of us do not know that fake Professor Muhamadou Kah’s five-year contract as University of The Gambia (UTG) Vice Chancellor officially came to an end on 30th April 2014. Like all looters, they never reach satisfaction and Kah is no exception. […]


Jammeh’s Fatal Witchcraft Cleansing

By Fabakary B. Ceesay The sudden death of President Yahya Jammeh’s aunt in 2009 prompted the Gambia government to declare what it called “witchcraft cleansing.” The exercise, which occurred between mid-January and March 2009, was ordered by President Yahya Jammeh who blamed his aunt’s sudden death on witchcraft. The president, […]


GDAG Engages Thione Seck

The Gambia Democratic Action Group (GDAG) has written to Senegalese musician Thione Seck, informing him about the state of affairs in the Gambia where citizens continue to live in tyranny. Below is the letter signed by GDAG Chairman Mr. Alkali Conteh: To:  The Honorable Thione Seck From:  Gambia Democratic Action […]


Not Enough To Keep Blaming Yahya

How many political parties have an up-to-date manifesto clearly articulating their intended governance philosophy and priority programs to improve the nation’s quality of life? I don’t know the answer but if I have to bet I would say only PDOIS. Isn’t that in itself very telling? Where are the program […]


Mistake Haunting Our Struggle

‘A National Democracy’ Agenda for the Republic of citizen activists without direct/special alliances with some groups would have served our cause better.  It would disentangle us from the vices of the Gambia’s undeveloped party politicking. Over time it would appeal to all citizens equally as people’s cause and not an […]