Search Results for "what"


The Yahya Jammeh Problem

By Reuben Abati When President Yahya Jammeh of The Gambia conceded defeat after the December 1, Presidential elections in that West African country of 1.9 million people, the gesture was widely hailed and described as an indication of great hope for democracy in Africa and particularly for The Gambia, which […]



Dear Mr ex-president, I wish to inform you Mr Ex-President that the Gambian people have given you the opportunity to govern them for the past 22years which in itself is remarkable looking at the activities and programmes that you engage yourself and your government in. I believe that you have […]


Yaya Jammeh Bish!

Yaya Jammeh Bish! Saul Saidykhan I’ve called him a half- baboon severally in the past   to the disapproval of a friend of mine. But as I stated, nothing about Yaya Jammeh’s behavior is re-assuring to anyone that he is a member of the civilized human race. Today, he is the […]


President Jammeh Must Go!!!

President Jammeh must go!!! By Alagie Yorro Jallow Under a dictatorship, a nation ceases to exist. All that remains is a fiefdom, a planet of slaves regimented by aliens from outer space. A nation whose citizens lack national consciousness and patriotism is a nation that has lost its soul. Such […]


Former Minister Cautions Jammeh

A former Gambian minister has advised defeated President Yahya Jammeh to “peacefully hand over power to the winner of December 1st election and “avoid sliding the country into sixes and sevens.” “I am advising President Jammeh to swallow his pride and peacefully hand over power to the President-elect Adama Barrow,” […]


No, Jammeh Is Not Blinking

No, he is not blinking. Yaya knows exactly what he wants. He created this chaos to put his demands at such a high level and expected to get easy passage/amnesty in his negotiations. He is so humiliated and wants to feel important because he knows the international community will not […]