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‘Ambassador Faye Is A Patriot’

The Imam of Detroit Islamic Center has called on Gambians to honour and celebrate all those who demonstrate their love and interest for their country that found itself embroiled in political crisis. “Our home country, the Gambia, is facing extra-ordinary situation, which requires extra-ordinary solution,” Imam Momodou Ceesay told Kairo […]


Jammeh Charge-Sheet And Possible Pardon

“Sir Dawda Jawara lives peacefully in Gambia and so can Jammeh,” says His Excellency President-Elect Barrow. Presidential Pardon/Amnesty The question is whether President-Elect Barrow is prepared to offer Out-going President Yahya Jammeh a total and absolute Presidential Pardon? I think the need for a “Presidential Pardon” is why Jammeh went […]


My President, The Final Hour Is Here

My Brother President Yaya Jammeh, The Final Hour is Here! My brother president, I say hello to you. I am addressing you at this point in time because I know life is hard for you. You are literally seeing your world crumbling in front of you, and there is nothing […]


Don’t Let Fake News Fake You Out!

By Alagie Yorro Jallow Fake news is so real and so pervasive that it already rings disturbingly familiar. It’s the production and dissemination of false information meant to influence the direction of our Gambian life by deluding anyone unsuspecting enough to swallow it. To our thinking, it’s a matter of […]


How Is Mugabe A Unifying Figure In Zimbabwe?

It is indeed true that ‘Silence in the midst of adversity does not represent peace, but fear’. Such a ‘fear’ is carried out by members of President Mugabe’s Liberation Movement, Zimbabwe African Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF). Their fear to stand up against the thirty-six year ruler has reached disturbing levels. This former liberation […]