Search Results for "what"


President Barrow Provides Clues Of Coalition Government

The Gambia’s President-elect has provided clues of his coalition government. Adama Barrow, who unseated incumbent leader Yahya Jammeh on December 1st elections, talked about his government’s policies and programs ahead of his (Barrow’s) inauguration next month. In this exclusive interview with Foroyaa Newspaper’s Kebba Jeffang, President Barrow said the incoming […]


The End of an era and the Dawn of a new era

By: Dr Alhagi Manta Drammeh We are reminded by the Qur’an as in the following verses: “Say, O Allah, Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom You will. You honour whom You will and You humble whom You will. In […]


The End of Jammehism

By Foday Samateh In his phone call to concede the election to Adama Barrow, The Gambia’s despot reflected aloud that he had come to power on a Friday and lost it on a Friday. The inference is superfluously apparent. Still, this is, as he likes to be called, His Excellency, […]


Post Gambia Election Analysis

By Bakary Sanneh My lovely Gambians, The outcome of the just concluded elections has made me very proud of Gambians. Today I can lift my head up with pride and majestically say that I am a Gambian for the profound victory against tyranny, injustice and political slavery. Kudos to those […]


December 01 Is A Referendum On Governance

Easily a million Coalition 2016 supporters in Bakau this last official campaign day of election 2016. Standing room only in the Atlantic seaboard community and what fitting end to afor the record books. Gambia was in Bakau this evening of 29 November! A sea of people stretching from Bakoteh to […]