Search Results for "what"


The UDP Diaspora Trio’s Appointments

By Jainaba Bah, Sweden Congratulations as we celebrate your appointments to serve Country and People: Koto Ebraima Manneh and Brother Ebrima Sillah: Politics is a public enterprise but the most important workloads are carried out behind the scenes within closed doors. Whilst people may follow and read your shared thoughts […]


Stop Stealing My Work

I was the only investigative reporter or journalist who risked his life when news emerged that Daba Marena (former Director of the National Intelligence Agency) and others escaped when their prison wagon was about to somersault three times while they were being transported to Janjanbureh prisons in April 2006. I […]


Halifa Always Gets It Wrong

Sawaneh, Halifa is always getting it wrong. We are in this constitutional quagmire thanks to him and his party. They were the ones who campaigned for people to vote “yes” for a constitution riddled with inconsistencies not to mention the numerous human rights violation provisions in it. And again he […]


How Do We Rescue Africa’s Lost Generation

The question of how to rescue the African youth has always been asked countless times. It has been asked by everyone everywhere. Even those outside the continent ask why the future looks bleak for the youth of a resource-opulent continent. The anger, frustration, hopelessness and pain is written all over […]


How Halifa Misses The Point

This justifies our fear about the intention that some of the advocates of independent candidates may have. Halifa certainly has little comprehension of Parliamentary democracy. His explanation of what is meant by separation of powers under presidential systems is simply out of place. To have majority of MPs on the […]


Heroic Halifa Wrong On Separation Of Powers Analysis!

“Halifa Sallah Calls Out Barrow’s Ministers As He Exposes Plans To Reintroduce Another Dictatorship!” Apparent this “dictatorship” will come about because Barrow’s Executive is supporting certain party candidates for the Parliamentary Elections! That argument is completely nonsensical because in every democracy without exception (USA, UK, Europe, India, etc) the Executive […]