Search Results for "what"


Your Excellency, It is Time to Reflect!

It It has been four months since our fateful presidential election in December and what a four-month period it has been! Our transition has been anything but smooth and peaceful. If we are to call a transition that took place only after the intervention of a regional military force peaceful […]


Ambassador-at-large In Practice

By Omar Alieu Touray President Barrow’s recent appointment of various personalities as Ambassadors-at-large has drawn attention to a category of officials that, in the Gambian context, remains unknown to the general public. As a result, a number of questions have been raised, ranging from their suitability for the positions to […]


APRC – A Full Fledged Violence Plotter

“The biggest espionage plot of the Alliance for Patriotic Re-orientation and Construction party (APRC) is inciting violence against the ruling government supporters. There are numerous wanted murderers and corrupt former APRC officials in America, England, Europe and Senegal. These criminals want to create an environment that will cause Gambians to physically […]


Gambia Needs Clear Strategic Goals

By Lamin Darboe, Leicester Michael Porter, a Harvard professor and one of the preeminent strategic thinkers of this century, argued in his renowned work on the competitiveness of nations that governments don’t create wealth but their proper role is to provide an enabling environment for businesses to flourish. “National prosperity […]


D.K Jawara’s Bad Students

By Saul Saidykhan  In about two weeks, Gambians will be going to the polls to elect Representatives to the National Assembly. Sadly though, instead of focusing on what really matters, anywhere one turns to on Gambian social media, Gambians are attacking each other on an issue that is at worst, […]


The Blessed Gambia: A Way Forward

By Dr Alhagi Manta Drammeh, Associate Professor of Islam and contemporary Studies at the Muslim College London, Researcher at the University of Dundee and London Islamic Cultural Centre The Gambia is a blessed nation endowed with great mercy, compassion, bounty and blessings of the Gracious Almighty God. What has transpired […]


Don’t Let Fake News Fake You Out!

Alagi Yorro Jallow Fake news is so real and so pervasive that it already rings disturbingly familiar. It’s the production and dissemination of false information meant to influence the direction of our Gambian life by deluding anyone unsuspecting enough to swallow it. To our thinking, it’s a matter of championing […]


Jow’s Statement Is Blasphemous

Rebuttal – Coach – Pa Samba Jow’s statement that; “religion has been the biggest problem of Africa because it has far too long subjugated and marginalised woman”. I want to begin by confessing the profound respect I have for my brother – Coach for his level of maturity and meticulous […]


Do Not Dismiss Zille’s Worldview

I have sensed widespread displeasure at the terse remarks of Madam Helen Zille [former leader of South Africa’s opposition Democratic Alliance] colonialism has ensured an independent judiciary, portable water and so on. I do, however, caution that we seem to be very over-sensitive. The Democratc Alliance does not have a […]