Search Results for "what"


Lawyer Darboe Deserves Better!

I am flabbergasted by the silly and childish accusation directed by Billingar Maccarthy against the foreign minister Honourable Ousainou Darboe. In his post on the Freedom newspaper Billingar Maccarthy blamed Ousainou Darboe for Gambia’s unsuccessful bid for the Presidency of ECOWAS because he (Ousainou Darboe) doesn’t speak French. That is […]


The Role Of Jammeh’s 22 Years Of Authoritarian Durability In The Gambia

By Lamin Keita NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS THIS PAPER WAS PRESENTED AT AFRICEM, A RESEARCH FORUM THAT FOCUSES ON AFRICAN COUNTRIES. It is important to consider how Yahya Jammeh’s authoritarian system was able to exist in The Gambian politics for 22 years—from 1994-to-2016. The entrenchment of authoritarian durability has usually […]


A Week Of Unjust Attack On Barrow

I found a week of barrage of unjust, negative personal media attacks on our president as very disturbing. President Adama Barrow has been personally accused and attacked of everything that does not favour his critics. Comments such as “it is the President’s fault; Barrow is inconsistent; Barrow is not in […]


OJ Sets Bad Precedent

Three facts stand out concerning the brouhaha over the appointment of the Permanent Secretary 1 at the Ministry of Agriculture: that Minister Omar Amadou Jallow has set a bad precedent, Secretary General Dawda Fadera is spineless and that the Personnel Management Office officials watch like zombies while Civil Service tradition is […]


How Sabally Mocks Gambians!

A very close friend of mine sent me a text message on my mobile phone alerting me to watch GRTS where Momodou Sabally, the one time disgraced Secretary of Presidential Affairs, was on live interview. Without hesitation, my spontaneous reaction was: what is that idiot doing at GRTS? When I […]


Why It’s Crucial To Remember 12/2

“Selective civic education” is not civic education in the sense of educating an entire society but instead it becomes propaganda and a control mechanism of peoples´ mind. In a society like ours, civil education must be holistic and not selective if people are to be aware and gain knowledge and […]


Gambia Gov’t Dispels Fake News

The government of the Gambia has dispelled what it referred to as fake news, denying signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Romanov Empire. The government’s reaction, published below verbatim, was exacerbated by a document that filled social media sites. Some Gambians, especially political opponents of the government, have already jumped […]


Iman Seeks Key Change For Women Musicians

Iman Conta Singer/songwriter/Credit: Dave Russell/Radio Sweden Five female artists from Sweden have joined a European campaign called Keychange to create a more equal music industry. The Stockholm singer/songwriter Iman tells Radio Sweden of the difficulties of working in a male-dominated market. “As a female songwriter it often happens that you […]


President Barrow Has No Miracles

Allow me space in your balance and fair medium to weigh in my personal view on the article made by National Democracy Endeavour founder/CEO Burama FL Jammeh. May I reiterate that this is my personal view and not the view whatsoever of the Barrow administration. First and foremost, I thank […]


Shame On Arab League!

The world powers have unanimously condemned in strongest terms the enslavement and trading of African migrants in Libya. The United Nations, African Union and renowned celebrities have all damned Libyan Arabs for kidnapping, maltreating and selling Black Africans in open markets. But one organisation whose voice would have carried heavy […]