Search Results for "what"


APRC is APRC! Always Remember That!

Building The New Gambia The biggest beneficiary of democracy in The Gambia is APRC! As a party that mismanaged our resources for a generation during which they also maimed and killed Gambians with impunity not to mention the blatant stealing of private and community lands and properties today APRC is […]


If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them

Some of my fellow Gambian citizens can be very peculiar at times. Flip-flopping is becoming a usual occurrence in their lives to the extent that maintaining their integrity and credibility have become shaky. They cannot simply stand their ground. Their case fits within a common English proverb that says “if […]


Colley: ‘We’re A Bunch Of Liars’

The National Mobiliser of the Alliance for Patriotic Re-orientation and Construction party (APRC) admits loud and clear what people having been saying all along that the dethroned government of Yahya Jammeh had been lying to Gambians. “WE WILL NEVER LIE TO GAMBIANS AGAIN,” Yankuba Colley confesses. This statement has hit […]


Barrow At One: The Challenges

By Saul Saidykhan A year ago, businessman Adama Barrow became The Gambia’s unluckiest man by taking over the presidency from a brutal tyrant and kleptocrat name Yahya Jammeh.  Despite the incessant sensational brouhaha on online Gambian social media, Barrow’s stewardship thus far is better than average -all things considered. To […]


The Constitution Can Be Lawfully Repealed

As The Gambia’s emergence from a half century of failed government, with the last twenty two years to December 2016 steeped in violent totalitarian mayhem continues, high drama intermittently dots the national stage. From former ministers who lobbied for and partook in the sumptuous high councils of criminal government self-anointing […]


PDOIS Haters Are At It Again!

We have heard it before and they are at it again. This is what they are good at. Instead of congratulating President Barrow and his delegation’s China trip successes, haters return to their hateful behaviour. They launched personal attacks on President Adama Barrow and Foreign Minister Ousainou Darboe. Alagi Yorro […]


A Case For A New Constitution

By Foday Samateh The purpose here is to state, in principle, our freedom and right as a nation to have a new Constitution. I must begin by admitting that I wasn’t following the proceedings in the National Assembly on the bill for a new Constitution. I took it for granted that […]


Jappineh Set For Revival Agenda

In their bid to revitalise, foster unity and accelerate development, youths of Jappineh organise a week-long forum at the Central Jarra village. The youth forum injects energy into the Jappineh Youth Development Association (JYDA) which aims to bring the youths of village under one umbrella. Jappineh is a unique village […]


Gambia in Numbers!

PART I: Gambia in Numbers! CONCLUSIONS: We remained POOR, MISERABLE and UNFREE largely how we’re governed and our resources managed. Part I will look at GDP, Revenues and Cost (overheads) of government GDP Regression/Growth Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measure the aggregate final value of all productions in The Gambia in […]


Al Maulid

Listening to a speech delivered by one Sheikh through one of Sheikh Dawood Bojang’s Video clips, totally denying the very idea of celebrating the Maulid “Birth day of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), describing it as” Bida’h” [innovation] and an illusion which never existed in the Sunnah. The Sheikh went on […]


Why They’re Going After Alkali

Let me respond to an article titled “I Lost My Cousin To Alkali Conteh’s Beastly Brutality” written by so-called journalist Ebou Sohna, published by Freedom newspaper on December 23, 2017. I found Mr Sohna’s article not only troubling and lacking credibility but it was also designed to assassinate the character […]


Barrow: China Is Very Serious With Our Relationship

Gambian President Adama Barrow has praised the Chinese government for being very serious with his country’s relationship. He says this evidence is demonstrated by signing of cooperation in many areas of development. In an exclusive interview with CCTN TV shortly before concluding a week-long China trip, President Barrow sees China […]