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President Barrow’s Independence Address

ON THE OCCASION OF THE GAMBIA’S 54TH INDEPENDENCE ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION HELD ON 18TH FEBRUARY 2019 AT THE MCCARTHY SQUARE Your Excellency, the First Lady, Fatou Bah-Barrow Your Excellency, Madam Sarjo Mballow-Barrow Your Excellency, the Vice President, Madam Speaker, My Lord, the Chief Justice, Secretary General and Head of the Civil […]


Gambian President Explains Goal Of Acquiring A Degree

President Adama Barrow on Saturday told graduating students of University of The Gambia at Qcity that the overall goal of acquiring a degree is “to help transform society using the knowledge and skills acquired from university education.” Read below President Barrow’s speech verbatim: I am most delighted to be in […]



Confronting a deadly and brutal dictator in his homeland for 22 years without fear, but risking his own life, property and the lives of many patriotic Gambians around him was not an easy task. Nothing could stop the determination in Ousainou Darboe and his patriotic colleagues to see a Gambia […]


President Barrow Fires Warning Shots

Gambian President has fired warning shots, advising government official saboteurs of his development agenda to resign before he deals with them. President Adama Barrow is ready to fight any person who is bent on undermining his development plans. President Barrow made the statement at a rally in Wuli Foday Kunda […]


Darboe Fires The Naked Truth

“In this New Gambia, I urge all of you to be alert and resistant to those who seek to devaluate your commitment to your party with inducement,” Mr. Darboe told delegates that stormed Pencha Mi Hall at Paradise Suites Hotel, Kololi. The above quotation indicating political corruption is the biggest […]


Reflections On The Barrow Presidency, Part I

By Foday Samateh This should be the high noon of reform. An unwavering, single-minded moment of transition to the third republic. But rather than rethinking government — its set-up, its operations and its proper roles — in a new paradigm that is pragmatic and optimal, the powers be in Banjul […]


UDP leader Damns Brikama Brawl

Press Statement Of The United Democratic Party On The Postponement Of The West Coast Region Regional Congress The Secretary General and Party Leader of the United Democratic Party-UDP: Lawyer Ousainou ANM Darboe condemns in the strongest possible terms the behavior of a few individuals claiming to be members of the […]


The Gambia joins Francophonie

The Gambia has been admitted as an Observer to the International Organisation of the Francophonie -OIF at the 17th Session of the Francophone Summit recently held in Yerevan, Armenia.   On behalf of the President, the Vice President, His Excellency, Mr Ousainou Darboe, led a delegation to the Summit, where […]


Gambians Mourn Imam’s Brother

Kairo News and Radio joins Gambians to mourn the sudden death of the senior brother of Momodou Ceesay, Chief Resident of Islamic Center Mosque in Detroit. Demba Jammeh, affectionately called Demba Kuru, died last night after a brief sickness. Demba was laid to rest today. The native of Jarra Si-Kunda […]


How Gambian Intellectuals Fail Us

Bax, I think you are missing the argument on why Gambian intellectuals have failed the country during 22 years of military dictatorship. There is no doubt that our intellectual community has not only failed to provide leadership and brilliant ideas in the form of policies but also these intellectuals lacked […]


Sankanu Takes A Swipe At ITC

By Abdoulie John In the wake of a decision taken by the International Trade Center (ITC) to drop one of the major components of the Youth Empowerment Project (YEP) that deals with Creative Industries, Gambian filmmaker Prince Bubacarr Aminata Sankanu has taken to Facebook to decry such a move. He […]