Search Results for "a"


Words Of Wisdom For My President

My President, Our President! I understood you were not in town during the long anticipated UDP National Congress which was successfully held from 7 to 9 december 2018. I am not sure whether it was coincident or a well calculated plan for you to be out of the country during […]


Open Letter To CRC

Open Letter to the Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) Dear Sirs, The Constitutional Review Commission Act 2017 established the Constitutional Review Commission. The Act empowers the Commission to draft a new constitution for the Republic of The Gambia, and to submit the same to the president, who shall publish the draft […]


Contentions On The New Constitution

By Natta Mass, The issue of citizenship has stirred the most passionate debates among us and a lot of my fellow countrymen are concerned about people being rendered stateless if the constitution takes a position that citizenship by birth cannot be automatically granted unless one of the child’s parents is […]


Rejoinder: Interview With Mr. Bigmouth

Dear Editor, Your interview with Omar Jallow (alias OJ), the former Agriculture Minister, has been brought to my attention and in the report published in your website, I noticed that OJ is still blaming my party leader, His Excellency Lawyer Ousainu Darboe, for his role in putting forward the UDP […]


GPU Congress Rescheduled

Press Release The Executive Board of the Gambia Press Union (GPU) on Tuesday August 28th unanimously agreed to reschedule the triennial Congress of the Union. Previously scheduled for August 31 and September 1st, 2018, the Congress will now hold on 7th and 8th September, 2018. The decision was informed by the fact that […]



Madi Jobarteh: “Section 82”. BUT you [Madi Jobarteh] leave out Section 231(4) which says the President CAN IGNORE ADVICE ON THIS AND DO WHAT HE WANTS: “Where under any provision of this Constitution any person or authority is authorised or required to exercise any function after consultation with any other […]


Stop Being Oversensitive

It is enough: do what they are doing if you believe you are who you think you are. Over-sensitivity towards others, lack of self-esteem, and death of sense of pride in oneself as well as taking apologetic approach to irrelevant issues are behind the absense of Mandinka or Mande Groups. […]


Gov’t Identifies 40 Hotspot Sites

  The Gambia government has identified at least 40 hotspots across the country. The Director of Press at State House Amie Bojang-Sisoho who disclosed the news said these hotspots were identified after President Adama Barrow has instituted an interim body to find out about all the land areas under dispute […]


Why We’ve To Put On Gloves!

We need to be real when we say it is time for work. This is all we need as a country to develop. Let there be young Gambians trained in bread making in both local and modern ways. Our civil servants, carpenters, electricians and market vendors etc, must not treat […]


Let’s Not Lose Our Minds!

A national tragedy occured yesterday and there is nothing that can justify the killings of innocent and unarmed civilians. The people of Faraba Banta are within their democratic rights to demonstrate and voice out their concern when their community is being threatened by the large scale sand mining. But we […]


Funding Issues Ground TRRC

By Abdoulie John Gambian authorities have been urged to stop relying on foreign aid to fund the long awaited Truth, Reconciliation, and Reparation Commission (TRRC) process. The TRRC is yet to start sittings due to lack of funds for the nomination of commissioners. Calls for justice have been gaining momentum. […]


Gunjur Protesters Should Be Freed

Gambian human rights organization has added its voice to the chorus of appeal for the unconditional release of protesting Gunjur youths. The youths have been held in police custody after they protested against the presence of Golden Lead, a Chinese fish processing company, accusing of causing environmental destruction in the […]