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DUGA Set to Face Gambian Dictator

By Abubacarr Saidykhan   The journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. As we speak, the executive members of the Democratic Union of Gambian Activists (DUGA) are currently ready and prepared both nationally and internationally to face the dictatorial regime of President Jammeh and willing to put a […]


Mile II Inmate Tortured To Death

An inmate of Mile II Central Prisons last week died in mysterious circumstances. Mamadi Manneh died on February 4, 2014 after he had gone through severe torture in the hands of prison officers. Our Mile II sources confirmed that Mamadi’s death followed two days of severe tortures. Manneh, a native […]


My Dear Friend Kwame

Greetings to the family and friends, and good health and best wishes for 2063. I write to you from the beautiful Ethiopian city of Bahir Dar, located on Lake Tana, as we finalize preparations for the Centenary celebrations of the Organisation of African Unity, which became the African Union in […]


Gambia Frees Detained Senegalese

By Yaya Dampha Gambian authorities have finally mustered the courage and freed a Senegalese held captive for almost two decades. Abdourahman Baldé, a native of Kolda in Southern Senegal, had been detained without trial since July 1997. Baldé was unconditionally released from prison, authoritative sources tipped Kairo News. Mr. Baldé […]


French Journalists Ground Jammeh

Gambian president Yahya Jammeh who behaves like a fearless and brutal tyrant is reduced to a pussycat abroad, dependable sources within the corridors of power confirmed. “President Jammeh is scared of French journalists who are launching investigation into his dictatorial affairs,” a close source told Kairo News. Mr. Jammeh had […]


Lamin Manga's Last-ditch Effort

In a shocking and a rare admission, The Gambia Radio and Television Services (GRTS) it emerged have gone completely bust, dead and waiting to be buried. And now desperately seeking for a bailout from the very person who singlehandedly help to bring that struggling institution to its knees. And that […]


UK Bigamist Marries Gambia Teenager

A woman whose husband disappeared after their marriage broke down was shocked when she saw he had shared photos of his wedding to a Gambian teen bride on Facebook. To add insult to injury, the wedding took place at the same Gambian resort where she had married him seven years […]


What Leader Diaspora

With the Gambia Consultative Council’s (GCC) naming of Dr M L Sedat Jobe as its President, and the unrelenting drumbeat in some media houses that the Committee for the Restoration of Democracy in The Gambia (CORDEG) must select a leader to be credible, concern was rife in some activist circles […]


Madiba’s Greatest Legacy to Us

By OumieSissokho Kinteh   “Mandela: The Hero Born in 1918 and died in 2013, it is no doubt that Nelson Mandela lived a life of a hero who went through tragedies, disappointments, but eventual successes and recognitions that any hero might have been expected to go through. While most of […]


Turning Daggers At Protest Callers

By Nanama Keita Those of us chastising Lawyer Darboe or other opposition leaders for their reluctance to take to the streets in protest against the unending barbarism that’s bedeviled the Gambia need to look inward and ask ourselves whether we’re being reasonable in our chastisement. First, when we say Darboe […]


Gambia's Smoking Gun Explodes

Sunday’s fatal ferry accident in the Gambian capital Banjul has been long expected. The incident caused the death of a European tourist when the fast aging ferry tried to dock in Banjul. Unconfirmed reports put the death toll at five. Also harmed in the Sunday incident were 13 people who […]


Our Troubling Seeds of Dictatorship

The seeds of dictatorship, which were planted on July 22, 1994, have been germinated beyond human understanding. Simply put, our country and its people have been inundated in threats. These threats hang over everyone, including our society’s vulnerable members.  Ours is a country where the protector has become the oppressor. […]