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Gambians Mourn Beloved Caliph

Muslims across the world have joined Gambians in mourning the sudden death of the Caliph General of Darsilameh Sanghajor Sheriff Caliphate. Sheikh Muhideen Hydara, a descendant of Prophet Muhammad [Peace be Upon Him], died on Tuesday after a brief sickness in his Foni Kansala village. Caliph Hydara was laid to rest […]


TRRC UPDATE: The National Conversation Continues

The TRRC concluded its second three-week session on February 28, 2019 with a hearing on circumstances surrounding the November 11, 1994 incident and the death of former AFPRC Finance minister Ousman Koro Ceesay in June 1995. During this session, the Commission heard testimonies from 12 witnesses, bringing to 25 the […]


My Takeawy From Kanyi’s Testimony

As I watched the TRRC this morning with sadness, anger and totally immersed in my own emotions, I was left with a couple of things as a takaway: Alhaji Kanyi is an evil person, a killer, a sadist, and a murderer and had admitted to it; but we still have […]


First Ladies Must Tell Truth To Power

By Abdoulie John   Sierra Leone’s Fatima Maada Bio said that First Ladies have an obligation to tell the truth to government on the plight of women and children. “I am just using my position as a First Lady to bring awareness on issues related to women and children, but also […]


Gambia Should Learn From Sierra Leone

By Abdoulie John President Adama Barrow and his Sierra Leonian counterpart on Wednesday expressed their resolve to push towards deepening the economic ties between the two countries as President Julius Maada Bio began a three-day visit in the West African nation. The two leaders made this commitment during a news […]


Gambians Celebrate The Birth Of Independence

By Abdoulie John Gambians on stormed MacCarthy Square Monday for the commemorative event marking their country’s independence from British colonial rule. Punctuated by colourful parades, celebratory gunfire (fire of joy), this year’s event provided an opportunity to revisit the country’s attainment of sovereignty. After leading guard of honour, President Adama […]


TRRC: Justice Before Reconciliation

By Dr Alhagi Manta Drammeh (Fellow Higher Education Academy (FHE) and Fellow Royal society of Arts (FRSA) UK) I have been following keenly the sittings of the Gambia truth, Reconciliation and Reparation Commission since its start in January 2019. In fact, I had written an article titled: National Truth and […]