Search Results for "what"


Halifa’s Letter To Omar Jallow

Dear Mr Jallow, SUBJECT: YOUR ACCOUNT OF MY DETENTION IN 2005 WAS WRONG I am still wondering what you were trying to prove by giving a distorted account of where I was detained in 2005 when we were arrested as members of the NADD leadership and arraigned before Justice Paul […]


Re: 1994 Coup: Intellectuals Should Apologise

Max, 1. Halifa did not associate or hold discussion with the soldier(s) about ministerial position. He said the interaction was brief and indicated instantly to him/them that he would respond to their offer. Why are you twisting the facts? 2. Halifa has already indicated elsewhere that he wanted to put […]


The Imam Who Stands For The Truth!

Yahya Jammeh does not use any supernatural means to rule Gambians for more than two decades. Jammeh’s strength lies in his ability to cage, silence or disappear Gambians who matter. Who matters more than religious and local government leaders? Almost all of these leaders, except a few, bowed down to […]


“Risky Paths to Success” To Be Launched

Author Othman urged Government to look into back way, Access to Visa, related Challenges,  The book entitles “Risky Paths to Success” authored by Ramatoulie O. Othman will be launched on Saturday, 26 January 2019 at the Law Faculty, University of The Gambia (UTG) Auditorium at 10am. The book authored by […]


The Brexit Conundrum – Ideal Juxtapose Reality

I wish to register my sincere thanks and appreciation to our industrious Prime Minister, Teresa May, for her selfless efforts, hard work and determination in trying to deliver on the 23rd June 2016 United Kingdom referendum results, to leave the European Union. The said results was 51.1% ‘YES’ to 48.9% […]



Confronting a deadly and brutal dictator in his homeland for 22 years without fear, but risking his own life, property and the lives of many patriotic Gambians around him was not an easy task. Nothing could stop the determination in Ousainou Darboe and his patriotic colleagues to see a Gambia […]


Halifa Debunks TRRC Witness’ Testimony

STATEMENT IN REBUTTAL OF FABRICATED EVIDENCE BY EX- CAPTAIN MOMAT CHAM Having more facts to testify than most Gambians regarding the injustices perpetrated against the people;   having languished in Mile Two Prisons at the Maximum Security Wing in both the First and Second Republic, in those very cells which petrified […]


Cabinet Approves Banjul Road Repair

Press Release His Excellency, President Adama Barrow on Thursday 10th January, 2019, presided over the 18th Cabinet session of his government – the first in 2019 – at the State House in Banjul. Cabinet deliberated on rehabilitation and construction works of the road network and sewage of the City of […]


How TRRC Witness Embraces Forgiveness

By Abdoulie John The first witness to testify before The Gambia’s Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission (TRRC) Tuesday ended his testimony with an emotional closing argument that left the audience in tears. Former Police Chief Ismaila Chongan had overcome a long-held grievance to preach forgiveness. “I am happy to wear […]


PDOIS Reiterates ‘System Change’ Call

By Abdoulie John The top brass of the Peoples’ Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS) reiterated the need for The Gambia to move from regime change to system change, describing it as “the way forward.” PDOIS Chairperson Sidia Jatta and Secretary General Halifa Sallah successively echoed this concern Sunday […]